Chapter 2

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J laid there in the middle of a white space. Not really.

The color of white is above and water is bellow. Water that only reaches her ankles.

J did not know how many hours she waited, thus she laid down.

'Is this the afterlife?' J asked to herself inwardly

5 minutes later

'It's so boring here.' J let out a big sigh

Half an hour later

'And even if it IS the afterlife, where is everybody?' J wondered

J sighed and closed her eyes, its not like there is a rule that spirits are forbidden to sleep right?

{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]

[System scanning.........]

[Soul Detected. Automatic Deap Scanning is required.............]

[Soul has been recognised......]

[Soul Bonding........]

[Soul Bonding has completed.]

[System's new Master, J]

"So fucking noisy!" J gritted her teeth and turned to her side.

[Host, wake up] a cold computerised voice could be heard throughout the space.

J was annoyed as she rose from her slumber. Sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she paused from yawning and stared blankly at the thing in front of her.


"You're.... System?" J asked, hesitantly.

How did she guess? Because the word [System] is literally floating in front of her.

[Yes, Host. I am System 89, also known as Dimension Weaving System.] it answered, a black bold letters in Arial Black appeared in front of J.

"Sorry, I am going to refuse. I don't want to have anything to do with you or do any Missions for you" J said coldly, flat out refusing before the System could offer her something.

[.......] 'Is my current Host..... She did not proceed to normal script the souls should say or do.... What's the matter?' System 89 began scanning and again and understood.

[So it seems. You have read some System based Novels in your world. Quite accurate they are however, you misunderstood me. You may fear Lord God but I do not. The Lord God you encountered is still young and a NOOB] System 89 said

J raised a brow. 'This system sure is arrogant.'

"Explain. Back then, to that Otome Game" My Heart Belong To You", when I needed your help... Where in world are you!?" J roared, the System was unmoved.

[As you know of what a System is, I cannot help without being o bounded by your soul. Host has already entered a body, therefore, System cannot make a connection] the System replied.

"Answer me one thing, why me?" J asked, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself

[Reasons cannot be revealed until Host enters the world]

"And which world would I go to? I don't want to go in many worlds. Just one" J said stubbornly

[Request Accepted] the System replied

[Initializing Transfer..... In 3.....] the System suddenly said

"Wait!" J yelled, startled

[... 2.....]

"Chotto matte kudasai!" J yelled in anger

[....1....requesting Host to be ready] the System said

J almost spat out a mouthful of blood before she blacked out.

'That black hearted system! I how you stumbled upon a virus!' J screamed before her soul disappeared

J opened her eyes and found herself laying in the sand. Sand is sticking to her face and waves occasionally brushed to her legs.

J cursed at the system in her heart as she rolled on her back. It's night time.

J laid there as she slowly started to adjust. Her body was sore. Her legs and arms are asleep.

'System, I need to know. Who was the Idiot Divine Existence that desperately wanted to kill me?' J asked, remembering why she was in this predicament in the first place.

The Idiot Divine Existence AKA System 89 [......] 'I better not tell her. Its for the best. Its definitely for the best'

[System is unable to tell Host] the system replied

'So what identity did I possess?' J asked

[Cordilia Jade version 2.0 is the body you are now in.] The System answered.

'...... What? I thought cloning is forbidden! Spiritually and scientifically! I'd be accused of Black magic!' J yelled before she paused

'Cordilia Jade? You mean... The Villainess in the book that mysteriously published on my account?' J asked

[Correct. This body is a compensation by that Lord God that killed you. He is young and have yet to know of 'alternate dimension' and things like that, unlike on earth. The original world of <<My Heart Belongs To You>> is untouched and still flowing on iuts original time line, untouched by Transmigrators and Reborn people's interference.] the System said, J frowned as she understood this, after all she is an author.

'System.... Is this another alternate universe?' J asked, curious

[No. Host is merely continuing. The original body has been buried, the body you are currently occupying is an exact replica. Therefore, everything is as it is on the book <<I'm the Villainess, So What?>>] the system answered

'Then how much time had passed since my "passing"?'

[Answering to Host..... 4 years since Cordilia Jade version 1.0 has died] the System answered

'Four Years? Unbelievably fast!' J sat up and rubbed her head.

'System, is there any Missions or what?' J asked cautiously

[There is, but Host must do anything to trigger them] the System answered, J sighed

No, I am Cordilia Jade now.

'Should I still interact with the characters or should I avoid them? After all.... After all the Heroine already successfully caught Hidden Capture Target?' Cordilia asked

[Host currently has no authority to access the plot. However, if Host completes a mission System can explain and slowly revealed the whole plot] the system denied coldly

'Fine. I am running away. They'd shoot me of I show up and tell them I am alive. Threy would think I am an undead' Cordilia sighed

She began walking away.

[Mission 1 Complete: Change the plot by turning high tale and run away] the system said


Cordilia missed a step and fell down I'm the sand in shock and disbelief.

'What kind of mission is that!?( ꒪Д꒪)ノ' Cordilia yelled

[Mission Reward: 100 points] the system ignored her

Cordilia felt like beating the System if it had a physical body.

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