Chapter 16

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"I see no reason why I should let this secret of yours be let out. After all this is not my secret to tell now is it?" Elreste replied calmly

Cordilia sighed in relief as she lowered her gun, she scanned Elreste's eyes to see if there is any lies in what he said.

"It's good that you won't, else I really have to shoot you." Cordilia said, trying to act tough and nonchalant

"I read those books of yours, about the Transmigration, yes it's pretty fascinating however, I am quite aware that people would most likely not accept this, while other would be excited. I would hate to think about what those researchers would do and the questions that would flood your way" Elreste said as he leaned on the tree beside him

"Although you have a good foresight on introducing transmigration to the masses, it's still not enough. Specially if your identity resurface, everyone would find it a bad thing. You trusting too much and spreading it around would not help your situation either." Elreste added indicating that Cordilia was too trusting and free.

"I trust them" Cordilia defended

"Of course. However you should be more vigilant" Elreste reminded

"After all, seeing you in the first place, I already know you are different. Firstly, you were be able to swim, which you are the only woman in the whole continent of Enchantia was able to do. Being a noble and a person who never left Gardenia Kingdom, aside from that only one time and the second was the kidnapping but it doesn't count at all" Elreste pointed out Cordilia's mistakes

"Your presence stood up the most, not because of your status but because of the atmosphere you carry which was the think that were lacking on the women in this world, even the Queen and Empress. Not to mention, your knowledge, imagination, and creativity is out worldly because it does not belong to this world at all" Elreste said, motioning at the gun in Cordilia's hand.

"For self defence" Cordilia clutched on her gun tightly as she raised it towards his direction to prove her point.

"Yes, yes I know" Elreste said before motioning to the Lord God on the ground.

"What are you going to do with that... Person" Elreste said with hate and killing intent.

'HEY! I don't know how I offend this kid okay? So can you please stop leaking the killing intent, hey!' Lord God thought

In the end, Cordilia had to dragged the body back, else something happened to it when it's on Elreste's claws.

On their way back, it was silent.

"Will you remove your disguise soon?" Elreste asked out of the blue

"What?" Cordilia blinked

"I said, 'Will you remove your disguise soon?'" Elreste repeated his words

Cordilia paused, 'The system has been rather quite lately'


[Congratulations Host for extracting revenge to Lord God. Keep up the good work. You received 1000 points]

[The disguise must never be removed unless System say so] and the System's Google like voice popped out

'I spoke too soon'

" the future" Cordilia smiled bitterly and continue walking

Elreste frowned and watched as Cordilia walked away, clearly displeased on why she was hiding.

'She has so many secrets' Elreste thought before chuckling

'Then again, it makes it so much interesting with the mysteries and puzzles' Elreste inwardly smirk and followed closely before glaring at the Lord God

'We have unfinished business' he thought darkly

Isaac continue to sip on his tea, not minding how Cordilia manage to 'adopt' another villains in the 'club'

"With how things really going, we should set up the Cafe as a secret Hide out for the Villains and plan out to take over the world" Isaac commented, Cordilia paused and looked at Isaac

"You watched too many Hollywood Movies" Cordilia rebuked

"Worth a try, you should really consider it" Nika added, popping out next to Isaac

"Geez woman! Popping out of nowhere, remember you are a human not a ghost! Act like it hey! Trying to give me a heart attack? See if I don't hunt you in the afterlife!" Isaac cussed out as he almost spilled the tea

"Where's the fun in that?" Nika grinned cheekily.

"Tsk, bitch"

Sequel: The Villainess Wants to RunawayWhere stories live. Discover now