~The surprising job offer~

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(No one's POV)

After a couple of days after Lyla put her resume out for people to want to hire her. Lyla thought that she would be getting a lot of job offers, but nothing came.

She was about to give up. Seth had said that he could help her find a job.



(Lyla's POV)

I'm sitting at my computer, looking at the postings of interior designing jobs. It's been three or four days. I'm now starting to get worried.

"Hey, honey. I'm home", Seth said, as he walks though the door.

"Hey", I  called back. We had moved in together since we got engaged.

"He came over, and kissed me hello, "so how was your day"?

"Fine", I lied. I didn't want him to know that I was having a hard time getting a job offer. I know that he would want to help me, which I didn't want.

Seth, however, could see right through my lie and said, "Lyla you are not fine, now tell me what happened.

"Nothing happened", I sighed, "It's just that I haven't gotten another job yet, and it's been almost two weeks".

"Don't worry about it". I'm sure it will work out".

*End of Flashback*


(Back to no one's POV)

Lyla was on the internet again, she was ready to give up. Until suddenly her phone rings and she answers it.

"Hello. Yes this is Lyla speaking".

"Really a job? Thank you so much".

Lyla jumped up from her chair and then started to jump up and down. Finally she got a job...with Priscilla Hall, interior designer.


Let me know what you think about this.

"Lyla & Seth" (from "A December Bride")Where stories live. Discover now