~A Surprising Confession~

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(No one's POV)

Seth and Lyla is standing in front of everybody, they were holding hands. They were about to tell everyone, their guests that they were not really engaged and that they are not getting married.

"Everyone, we both have something...", Lyla started to say, but then Seth stopped and turned her to face and the said to her, "Wait Lyla. There's something I want to tell you. Now I know that  we had a deal, that we wouldn't let it go this far, but after being together faking of being engaged and getting married. I have been with you over the last few weeks decorating for the walking Christmas Tour. What I mean is I have fallen in love with you".

Lyla said, "Seth that are you talking about"?, She said.

"Lyla, I am asking you, will you marry me"?


Let me know what you think about this.

"Lyla & Seth" (from "A December Bride")Where stories live. Discover now