Chapter 12- That Was My Mother's!

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                                                Chapter 12- That Was My Mother's!

                                                 Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1966

                                                                Time: 6:17AM

                                                             MICHAEL'S POV

I wandered into my Mommy's and Joseph's room. I really wanted to see whether or not Mommy was going to get up.

As I tiptoed in, I studied Mommy's figure. She had some sort of... growth on her. I didn't know what it was, exactly, but it sometimes freaked me out a little. Imagine having some big thing attach itself to your tummy... Ooh, it gave me shivers just thinking about it!

Trying to get rid of that strange, creepy thought, I ran my fingers against any surface in the room. I ran them against the end of the bed... on the windowsill... on the itty, bitty mirror she had... in hope of her getting up. Zilch was what happened.

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't wake her unless I shouted at her, which I didn't want to do. I'd sound a bit like my brothers or Joseph if I did. For some reason, even though I loved them dearly, I didn't like the thought of being like them.

My eyes scanned the room, in hopes of finding some other creative way of getting Mommy up. I would coax her with candy, but I didn;t think she liked Jolly Ranchers or Oh, Henry's. In fact, I didn't really know what candy she liked. She rarely ate candy. 

Maybe that was some adult trait, having disinterest in candy and chocolate. Well, I wouldn't! Never ever! I loved candy, and I always will! I'll prove the world wrong one day. I'll show them that adults can like candy, by owning my own candy shop! I would love to own a cand shop!

Grinning at my thought, I looked at the back of the room. That was when I saw it.

Peeking out of one of Mommy's chests was some glint-y, shiny object. Enticed by the appearance, I walked over to the box where this item was held. I pulled on the end of the glinting item to see what it was, exactly.

That teensy-weensy shiny object was apparently some really... strange... bracelet. Every other bead was some silver, and in between those were dull orange-red beads. But it had a metal clasp where the ends of the bracelet met, which was different. Most of the jewelry I've seen was tied together by thread.

You know who would like this? I thought to myself, Ms. Simms. Maybe she'd be nice to us 2nd-graders once and for all when I bring this in!

I stuck the little bracelet in my jean pocket before rushing out of the front door. Oh yes, she'd love it! I smiled widely as I walked toward Kayla's house.

She'd love it!

                                                           KATHERINE'S POV

                                                               Time: 9:52AM

I fumbled into my bedroom, looking for something decent to wear. There was a Wednesday service going on in about fifteen minutes, and I didn't want to be late just because I couldn't find an adequate outfit.

After rummaging through my closet and finding something good for wearing, I hobbled (I couldn't really walk as I had been a month prior to now) over to my dresser. I would wear my Mother's bracelet to the service.

As I approached the dresser, I found the mini chest where I kept my jewelry... to be open.

Hmm, odd, I thought, furrowing my brows. However, I didn't think much of it. There was no lock on the chest. If Joseph bumped the dresser when dressing this morning, the chest would have automatically opened.

However, I grew more worried after I searched through the miniscule chest, and still hadn't found the bracelet. I began to search the wobbly, creaking floors of our bedroom. Nothing.

"Well." I thought aloud, "I'll just go without it."

I'd ask the kids after school. I couldn;t imagine anyone else taking off with it. Hey, maybe it was La Toya. he has always taken a liking to my jewelry. Yeah, I was sure that it was her.

And with that, I staggered out of my bedroom.

                                                           Time: 3:41PM

I watched closely in the kitchen, as Rebbie, the last child, trickled in through the front foor. Haha, I thought, now it's time to confront them.

As quick as I could without hurting myself, I wobbled into the living room, clapping my hands. That was enough to get all of the kids' attention (except for Randy).

"Umm," I started, "Have any of you seen my red bracelet? I kind of was going to use it." I turned to La Toya, sure that it was her who took it.

She held her hands up, shaking her head rapidly. "No, not me," she proclaimed, her eyes slightly widening.

"Well, if it isn't you, then who was it?" I snapped, sitting myself down on the loveseat.

"Me, I did," Michael claimed as nonchalantly as someone could. "I didn;t know it was yours. I gave it to my teacher because I thought she'd like it."

"O... Oh," I replied, letting that sink in. That was my mother's... but I can't be mad at him, he was just being nice to his teacher... Well, what do I say?

I sighed a little before responding with, "Well... that was very kind of you, Michael. But remember not to give my stuff away next time, okay?"

He nodded vigorously before going off to Marlon to talk. La Toya just looked at me smugly. "Told you it wasn't me."

It was then, in the middle of La Toya's speech, that I realized that Micheal had an enormous heart. Someone like Ms. Simms?

I grinned, knowing that Michael was destined for great things.

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