A/N From GotToBeThereMJ

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  • Dedicated to All Of Those Who Have Read My Stories

A/N From GotToBeThereMJ

Me: Well, that's a wrap for story #2! What are your thoughts THIS time around, guys?

Kid in the back seat: Get the tomatoes.

Jeremy: Yeah, she picked on me throughout the entire book! Lemme get my cannon!

Me: (eyes widen) Oh, shoot! (Runs off)

When I find a safe spot, I crouch down and look at a camera.

Me: Well... That's it for Book 2! But no worries, as Book 3 will be coming once again to a Wattpad near you!

Jeremy: (Comes out from fog) Aha! Here you are! (loads cannon)

What sounds like a splat can be heard throughout the entire town...

Me: I officially hate tomato juice.

Okay, so this is book 2! Book 3 shall be coming in maybe a day or three. I may take a break for a couple days. Now that this is said and done, I have one question for you guys. It may seem completely unnecessary, but...

What do you think the Tom Cruise Guy should be named? I know I mentioned that he had a real name but I couldn't think of one. So, it's up to you guys! What should he be called? Whichever name I fins most fitting shall be declared champion!

Until next time, this is GotToBeThereMJ. Have a fabulous day!

Book 2- 1966 (Michael Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now