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Two years.

Two years passed since they all decided to turn into a new leaf. Two years since they started seeing the light rather than the darkness present in life.

Each one of them got busy with his own life, his own problems and his own struggles in life.

They always say nobody stays the same. Maybe it is true.

They also say that you can beat your own demons. But what if those demons can't seem to let go of you no matter what you did? What if the chapter that you closed can't seem to stay closed? It just keeps opening, bringing unwanted visits.

They let go of their dark past, but the past seems to be hunting them, not leaving them to live in the present.

Closed doors start to open, revenge luring with no room for peace, as souls got taken and new ones got welcomed.

Being a good human isn't as easy as it seems to be. In fact, being bad is a lot easier. Although everything has a price.

That's why they are struggling to be good.

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