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"what the hell do you mean by you are not coming?" Mia yelled through the phone as she got out of her car, and started picking up the grocery bags. "it's our monthly get-together. You can't miss that!"

"I know and I am sorry, but there this competition going on that will determine whether I will be selected for the spring fashion show or not." Jasmine's sweet voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Are you kidding me, Jass?" Mia locked the car while supporting the phone with her shoulder to stick to her ear. "you just remembered about that competition? You are informing me now while our get together is tomorrow, it's bloody tomorrow Jass!"

"I.. I was afraid of your reaction."

"And you telling me just the day before it will be any better?" She opened the mansion's door and got in.

Jasmine groaned. "Fine, it definitely wasn't the best timing."

"You think?" Mia scoffed as she placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. She leaned her elbows on the counter afterward, rubbing her head with her free hand, already tired from the way things had taken a turn to. "Just concentrate and win that thing, okay?"

Jasmine's mood perked up instantly. "I knew you would understand."

"We are talking about your future and what you like here, so of course I would understand. I just wanted to make you suffer a bit." It wasn't entirely false. She certainly wants what's best for her best friend but she also can't deny that it is a huge bummer that she isn't coming. She was looking forward to that gathering, especially that Jass couldn't make the last two ones.

"That's definitely the Mia I know." She chuckled then quietened down as she  was getting nervous about what she was going to say next and how will Mia react. "uhm..one more thing."

"What now?" Mia groaned, already sensing that she won't like what's coming next.

"Ella won't make it as well, because she is my partner from the fashion department."

"What the actual fuck now!?" Mia was fuming, "For God's sake guys, what the hell is wrong with you?" Then who will be coming now? "Hang up, just hang up Jass, I can't right now.. with you!"

"Mia—" Jasmine tried but Mia already hung up.

She couldn't believe that disaster. She hadn't seen most of them for six months now. They haven't all gather since that long. That was terrible, it was so damn terrible. College wasn't supposed to be like that, it wasn't supposed to separate them. What about that promise they all made two years ago? Was it nothing to them? Or did they already forget about it and about all they went through together?

Two arms slid around her waist, bringing her the comfort and love she was in desperate need for, now.

"what had got you all tensed up like that?" Jason murmured through her hair as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

She took a deep breath, resting her hands on his. "I am just thinking about how everything has changed since that day. Two years passed and our group is already breaking. We can't even gather for a harmless meal once a month and catch up."

"I know baby, I know. But I guess that's life." He shrugged as she hummed with a nod. "But what really happened that made you talk like that?"

"Jass and Ella aren't coming tomorrow." She huffed her bad mood worsening by each second.

"Say what now? It's not the first time they do that." Jason immediately flipped, "And now who the hell is coming if they all have been canceling on us like that?"

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