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Those were the only three things occupying Jason's and Mia's minds.

Their family was brutally killed. The explosion was enormous and toxic enough that everything turned into ashes. There was no single trance of bodies or what's left from them.

They couldn't even hold a respectful funeral for them nor bury them. Bury who or what? The bodies have all been burned, turning into ashes. It hurts Jason's heart by only thinking about the torture that his family went through. Good people like them couldn't die in peace. No, they died burning as their bodies were laying among the flames. And why did they die? Because some psychopath wanted to get revenge from them, a damn coward who went after the weak and kind people in his life that wouldn't kill a fly. And for Lindsey, they caught her off guard. She no longer walks with her gun nor any weapons. They are fucking heartless cowards who will be soon hunted.

"I know what you are thinking." His angel's sweet voice snapped him out of his dark thoughts. "And we won't be doing that."

With his cold yet burning eyes, he looked at her. she also looked awful. Her eyes are red from all that crying, her face looks pale with her hair tied carelessly.

"Don't look at me like that." She pointed. "We stopped with that life and we won't be returning back to it, cause that's what they want."

"The hell with what they want!" He yelled making her flinch at the sudden outburst. "This was a clear message of an upcoming war. And whoever those assholes are I will fucking hunt him. So, I don't need to hear any more of your bullshit."

"And you think by doing that you will feel at peace? This life full of killing at hatred won't make you feel any better about the situation, they will still be dead!"  they kept glaring at each other, with challenging eyes. "I am not the enemy here Jason!"

"You sure do seem like that." That made her freeze like a statue. He insulted her and her loyalty, only because she wants what's best for him. He also seemed to notice his mistake as his eyes softened but it was too late. Mia stormed out of the room, away from him. There was nothing more left to say anyway.

"FUCK!" He yelled as he threw a wooden chair that collided with the wall, shattering with flying pieces of wood luring around him.


"Should we go up and check on them?" Maya asked the three men. "It has been like three hours since they fought."

Adrian glanced at the stairs then shook his head. "No, I think they need their space today."

The doorbell rang and Ben got up with a tired sigh, "I will get it."

Opening the door, he was greeted with a set of dark brown eyes. Those eyes that till this day made his heartbeat accelerate.

"H..Hello Ben," Ella's sweet voice was a melody to his ears. It has been too long since he last heard her voice, maybe a year since their break up. It was pathetic how he is still affected by her.

"Ella," He nodded with a small smile. "Jass," He then nodded at a tired-looking Jasmine. "Come in, guys." He opened the door wider for them. "Hey, let me help with that." He offered as he took hold of Ella's heavy suitcase.

"No, No it's totally fine." She shook her head with a wary smile.

"I need help." Jasmine raised her hand awkwardly, sensing the tension.

He nodded and went to help her when a voice boomed from behind him. "Ben! Who was that? What's tak— Jass!"

Jasmine looked up at the person that held her heart in his hands. "Adrian!" she yelled as a huge grin took over her face. She ran towards his opening arms, leaving Ben alone with her suitcases. "I missed you so much!"

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