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"Shouldn't we have gone with them?" Jane asked as she rubbed her hands over her arms. Her skin was getting cold, but not from the weather, no it was from the secrets she has to keep hidden from her friends and especially Mia. She never ever had to hide anything from her. Although they live in Boston as they study medicine in Harvard, so they were practically the nearest to Mia and Jason, yet they arrived the last ones due to their fight and the secrets they had to brush aside.

"We don't need to make a commotion by all of us going there," Blake replied as he was replying to one of his friends' text from Washington where he studies. "Also, they have Adrian and Ben with them."

"And someone has to stay home if anything occurred," Jass added as she descended the stairs holding a broom and a stained cloth with Maya trailing behind her with a plastic bag.

"And to clean the mess upstairs." Maya held the plastic bag up for Jane who simply nodded.

"I will go check on Damon." She announced as she made her way to the backyard where she found Damon laying on the freshly cut grass, gazing up at the dark sky.

"What are you dazing in?" Jane took her place in Damon's extended arm, startling him in the process as he felt her blonde locks tickle his arm.

"Just thinking." He sighs as he circles his arm around her.

"About?" she pressed, wanting him to voice his troubling thoughts which she already had an idea of.

"About... the secrets," he whispered. "the lies, the trouble we found ourselves in."

"Damon..." Jane's voice is heavy with sorrow and guilt. The same way he feels.

"I know, love. I know." He sighed. "I know it's for the best. Mia shouldn't know. We can't get her involved. But... " he paused. "the lies, Jane, we have been lying to her for a month now telling her that everything is good when it's not. Pending each gathering, coming up with lame Uni excuses, just to avoid looking in her eyes and lie."

"I understand how you feel, Damon." She sniffs. "I feel the same. I also don't like what's going on but it's for the best. She is our only family and has always been backing us up. So, we have to bear it and try to solve everything ourselves without help."

"But I feel like we are making the wrong choice here by hiding it from her."

"Sometimes, we have to take the wrong path and a leap of faith to keep our loved ones safe." Jane wipes a tear as Damon hugs her closer to his heart.

"You are right, love." He kisses the top of her head as he starts stroking her hair. "Everything will be fine." He whispers trying to comfort her. "We will be fine." But it seems as he was comforting both of them. Even though the words sounded so true to their ears, yet they couldn't grasp the truth in them. They felt fake, like the lies that have been piling up.

They were sitting under the dark sky that's decorated with the glittering stars with Damon stroking Jane's hair and Jane getting a hold on her heightened emotions. When out of nowhere screams and yelling came from inside.

They sat abruptly, listening to the yelling then their worried eyes met and in no time they were sprinting inside.


"What happened, Doctor?" Mia breathed out as she was trying to speak and take her breath after all that running up the stairs, not waiting for the elevator fearing something bad happened. "why did you rush us?"

"You came?" Doctor Fredjeck blinked astonished by their speed. "that fast?" what he didn't know that they used to enroll in illegal races and till this day they had connections to get them out of trouble regarding this matter, so they had no problem in exceeding the speed limit a little bit. Maybe more than a little bit.

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