Chapter 10: Friends?

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"Wait-" the word tumbles out of mouth before I can stop it. He had just received a text from Sans asking him where he was; so he had turned his back to walk away. I nervously begin to twirl a strand of my blonde hair around my finger tips, "We should meet again." He slowly turns to face me. His expression is mostly blank but I could see the Hope sparkling in his eyes.

"i agree." His reassuring response calms me enough for me to summon a small smile. "When?"

"How about.. every Wednesday." I suggest. He seems satisfied with my decision.

"yea ok. see ya next wednesday then." He waves, then turns and walks to the exit. He sends me one final wave before disappearing outside.

I let out a deep sigh and then slowly make my way over to Cozzy, who was curled up in the corner. "Come on pal." I say softly as I pick him up and begin my journey back to the surface. The footprints I had left in the snow before had become covered in a fresh layer of snow. Fresh, crisp, and previously untouched. Now though, my feet toss the snow aside as I trudge through it.

I had a good time catching up with my old.. friend.. but I felt exhausted. So much so that as I continued to walk with cozzy draped across my neck my eyelids begin to drop and my strides slow. Eventually I decide to just spend the night in my old house, and hope Buttercup would be okay. I was too tired to be too worried.

Today, or rather yesterday because it was well past midnight, had been very long and a lot had happened. If my life was a book just today would have taken 4 whole chapters of writing. As I'm making my way down the slope that leads to lower Snowdin town my foot gets caught on a branch in the snow and I tumble down the snowy cliff. I end up face down in the snow at the bottom of the cliff. I sigh into the snow and then stumble back into my feet.

Cozzy was sitting looking a bit frazzled a couple of feet away. He has snow covering his black fur making him look almost completely white. "Sorry pal.. I'm just so tired. Can't you walk?" I ask him quietly. He gives me a small nod and follows as I continue forward with a bit more energy then before.

By the time o got to my little cabin I was a dead woman walking. I shift back to my original form, lock the door, peel my wet jacket off and plop down on my old bed. Cozzy finishes cleaning his coat then jumps up and curls up next to me. For some reason, despite being exhausted, I couldn't fall asleep.

With a sigh I turn and curl up around Cozzy, who snuggles into my hair, purring contently. "Do you think I made a mistake coming back here?" My voice is muffled by his soft fur but I know he hears me because his purring breaks up for a moment before continuing.

Then I hear his voice whisper in my head, "no.. you two need each other." He reassures. After that I just sit and listen to his purring until it fades away and I'm left listening to his slow breathing.

Briefly I wonder what it would be like to cuddle with papyrus. The warmth of his magic and the sweet yet dangerous scent that comes from his honey and cigarette consumption. Did he have a heartbeat? I hadn't ever thought about it before now. I wonder if I'd ever get to that level with him. Last time we had gotten really close but.. then I left. I'm not sure things can be the same after that.

With that final thought on my mind, I drift off and fall asleep.


*knock knock*

"What.. what is that?" I wonder aloud curiously. I glance around the cozy living room for any source of the sound. I was a bit early to my meeting with Asgore so I was waiting for him to get back. I'd assume he was searching the Ruins for humans.

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