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  I woke up to be in greater comfort than I am used to waking up in. The surrounding was so comfortable that I did not even bother to get up or even open my eyes. I turned my head and shoulders to bury my face further into the pillow that was already slightly covering my face with how thick and poofy it was. Ah, that was better; the light coming from above me was annoying me.

  My comfort was shattered when low snoring sounded just right behind me, causing a shock of surprise shoot through me and making me tense up. I knew who the snores belonged to.

  I quickly looked behind me and came face-to-face with the one and only, Sans the skeleton (Aka, the man of my dreams, my boyfriend, and the person I hope to one day marry). To my relief, he was sound asleep and did not even stir when I turned my head. He sure was a heavy sleeper. Of course, I already guessed that; how could Sans not be a heavy sleeper? That man sleeps almost every day, all day!

  I looked around the room and confirmed I was in Sans' room. I did not want to wake Sans but I wanted answers. I remember kissing Sans on top of mount Ebbot and I remember going back down to watch the fireworks with everyone else and then I...oh, my! I fell asleep without any plans for what I was doing! Let's see, I am sleeping with Sans in his own bed, in his own room, in his house...where was Chara? She could not have driven herself to my house! Papyrus or Sans must have invited us to come to stay with them (probably Papyrus) when they realized Chara was not able to take me home. Chara must be sleeping on the couch while Sans decided I would sleep with him. The thought of Sans wanting to hold me while he sleeps made me feel loved, protected, and all fluttery inside. I loved him so very much and I still could not get over that he feels the same way. I was also flattered that he felt brave enough to spoon me like this.

  Not being able to get enough of his warm, loving embrace, I turned my whole body around to meet his. I scooted my whole body down until my face came down to his chest, and nuzzled into it. I liked this cuddling, hugging, sleeping, or whatever else I am doing with him, position; it always made more feel safe and protected (and bonus, it was also very warm, despite him being a skeleton). I am starting to think he likes it too; he will always encourage it whenever we snuggle or hug.

  I suddenly hear Sans' low, soft (and very cute, actually) snoring abruptly stop. Not three seconds passed before I hear a very low, tired and raspy, "Frisk...?". I look up to see Sans'  white pinpricks looking sleepily at me. His eyes were only opened just enough for him to look at me. I smiled at him.

  "Good morning, Sans" I swiftly moved my body up to meet his face, wrapping my arms around his neck to kiss him boney nose. He smiled back at me and closed his eyes, gently grabbing hold of my middle and slowly pulling me closer—our foreheads come together—before he wrapped his arm fully around. He opened one of his eyes halfway, looking at me expectantly.

  "I guess this is okay, right?" he still looked expectantly with his half-lidded eyes. I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

  "What do you mean?" I inquired. Sans closed his eye again and calmly sighed before opening both of his eyes.

  "Me, takin' you up here and...snuggling with my bed" Sans started "you were asleep and-". I hushed him by pecking his mouth softly.

  "I am not complaining, am I?" I assured, giving him a reassuring smile. He lightly blushed and smiled back, giving a relieved sigh and closing his eyes, relaxed.

  "That's good. Chara told me you'd be fine with it and so I took my chance..." Sans told me in his tried voice he still had. I giggled.

  "I am glad you took that chance; this was a quite nice surprise" I reassured him. He gleefully and silently chuckled while blushing even more before slightly averting his eyes.

  "I'm glad that, um, seeing my face first thing today is 'nice' to you" Sans admitted. "How cute", I thought.

  "I am just glad you let me be that person," I told him.

  "Anything for my one and only"  Sans scooted his body up slightly to kiss my forehead. I giggled. I adored the attention he was giving me. It was not too much but not too little, just the right amount of affection. For someone who has never been in a relationship nor been interesting in being in a relationship before, Sans was an incredible boyfriend. I did not except anything less from him though. I am totally different; unlike Sans, I sometimes do not know how to act in certain situations when I am with him. Sans does not really mind, at least, that is what I gathered up from his actions. I am not the most perfect relationship partner out there but I want to make an effort to be the girlfriend Sans deserves. So far I seem to be succeeding even if it has only been a week.

He has done the same for me.


(A\N: Hello! So, I decided to make a Valentine special for Frans because of four reasons:

1) Frans is life.

2) Valentine is a romantic holiday and it would be great for a Frans story.

3) Japan (Frisk's home and blood-related culture) has some interesting traditions ;).

4) I don't feel like I said everything in the Christmas special that I wanted to.

Also, in case some of ya'll are confused about this chapter, this happened the next day after the part the Christmas special ended off with.

Sorry if you think this is a bit too repetitive. I may not do any more holiday specials and I don't know if I'm gonna continue this series. If I keep making these, I'm not gonna have any time to write my Flowerfell story XD. Tell me what ya'll think I should do because I honestly care about what ya'll think. Goodbye, my little reed blossoms; have a BReasy day!!♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ).

A Fralentine Story (A Valentine Special 2019)Where stories live. Discover now