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  Cool, crisp wind flew by me the moment we stepped out of the restaurant. What a time to be alive! I sniffed the air and I could smell the scent of food coming from the restaurants. There were only a few people waiting now; they were chatting among one another, talking about who knows what. I was still impressed by how significant the weather was for today's event. It had previously been so cold but today but now, it was perfect.  The wind was a nice touch too. I closed my eye to get a better experience. It flew by and lifted my hair, not enough to get in my face but just the right amount to be relaxing (A\N: Girl, you betta be glad you don't have long and especially thick hair because that junk would be all up in your face and there would be nowhere or way to escape).

  My moment of just enjoying the feeling of wind was intruded when I felt my arm being tugged at and pulled I opened my eyes and yelped as Sans guided me to my side of the side of the restaurant. He placed my back on the wall and put his forearms on either side of me. Are faces are really close now but Sans made no effort in furthering the distance He looked me nervously right in the eyes and asked, "Frisk?".

  "Yes, Sans?" I cooed, placing a hand on his shoulder. He averted his eyes to my hand.

  "I was just wondering if you, i-if it'll be okay if I-" Sans was suddenly interrupted by the distant screams of people. I quickly looked at where it was coming from, which was ahead of me

  "Don't worry about that, that's just the small theme park they got there" Sans assured me, somewhat annoyed that it distracted me. "Anyway, Frisk, I was wondering-" I did not realize it, but I completely tuned out Sans as I was staring at the rollercoaster that made the people that I heard, scream. I loved roller coasters and still do. I was very young when I rode my first one. It was a little roller coaster but it was so fun! It wasn't enough for me, though, an I asked my guardians if I could ride a bigger one but they said I was too short to ride anything bigger. Most kids my age would not dare to ride the kind of roller coasters I did. I would always ride the biggest one I could when I was tall enough too.

  My gaze dropped down to the people who were not riding any of the rides and were just walking along the sidewalks. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I noticed two dots that were right beside one another; the shorter one was yellow and the taller one was blue. Is that..., I thought. I looked closer to get a better vision of the blue and yellow people to see if it was the people I thought they were.

  "Sans! LOOK!" I blurted out, pointing right ahead of me and past his shoulder and completely forgetting that he was talking to me. Sans immediately stopped talking and rapidly turned his head around. When he did not see anything, he turned to me with narrowed eyes.

  "What?" Sans inquired, obviously annoyed that I interrupted him. I realized my mistake and simpered at him.

  "I am sorry" I confessed, "what were you saying?". Sans tsked and looked away before moving and turning away from me and stuffing his hands into his pockets.

  "Nothin'. D-don't worry about it" he sighed in defeat. He turned back to me and looked at me and asked with a fake grin, "so, what did you want me to look at?". Darn me and my curious self, I should have listened to him instead of being invested in a darn rollercoaster! That is something I will have to fix if I want to be the girlfriend Sans deserves.

  "Look over there!" I pointed out once again while grabbing Sans arms to turn him the direction they were at.

  "Huh? I don't see anything..." Sans muttered. I made my famous poker face of disprovable.

  "It is Undyne and Alphys!" I bubbled, jumping up and down while looking at Sans for a response as a child would do when they want a new toy. I forgot about those two, of course, the two would want to do something for Valentine's day instead of watching me and Sans on Alphys' screen (by the way, she has never actually done that but she has done similar!)! Especially since their engaged now.

A Fralentine Story (A Valentine Special 2019)Where stories live. Discover now