The Strange Wedding Occurrence

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  Frisk couldn't decide which event was more eventful: the day of the wedding or the night before? Of course, the night before the wedding was the night of the Bachler/Bachelorette party, the time for soon to be weds really reflecting on the fact that it was truly their last night being single (hopefully) and giving the two some separation before they finally got to reveal themselves right before their souls will combine together like a long lost puzzle piece. That's how Frisk and Sans' Bachelorette and Bachler party would go if, no, WHEN they got married as would be any other usual wedding but Undyne and Always celebration was just a little different. Since it was the rare case of two bachelorettes being wed, there was, of course, no bachelor party; just Undyne and Alphys and the rest of their girlfriends going out to the beach. And what a fun day it was.

  Frisk had to buy both Chara and her own swimsuits since Frisk hasn't done anything that involved water in years so her only bathing suit was a one-piece Toriel bought her when she was fourteen and Chara's whole structure has definitely changed a lot since she was last here.

  Frisk insisted that they wear swimsuits of the same model but have the same striped pattern as their signature sweaters. Chara agreed as long as she didn't pick out something unnecessary, and by 'unnecessary' she meant anything that was two-pieced. For once, Frisk actually agreed. As one could probably tell from her fairly baggy clothing, she really doesn't like showing a lot. Why is it unheard of to wear your bra and panties out in public but okay when your around water? It didn't matter. Public was public to both Chara and Frisk, but Undyne didn't seem to share that same idea as she came out of the beach house with her Alphys yellow bikini. The public eye didn't seem to mind this fish or maybe she was just focusing on trying to impress Alphys. Both seemed to be the case.

  Alphys seemed uninterested in playing in the water for most of the time and spent most of her time Sunbathing. It wasn't until Undyne practically forced her in did she do it. Nevertheless, both Undyne and Alphys and the rest of our gal pals seemed to have a great time together.

  When Frisk got back home, Sans wasn't there as expected. While Chara and she were off, Sans told her the night before that he decided he would spend some time with Papyrus including stay the night there. Papyrus didn't outright say it, having to much pride to so but missed Sans being there. It felt lonely and far to quiet without him.

  Going to sleep felt a little more out of place than Frisk thought it would be, not having Sans' arms wrapped loosely around her but strong enough to tell her he's taking the idea of them being an item very seriously (living with him, you start to understand his body language). Frisk slept by herself for most of her life. It's funny how one person can change your thoughts or feelings in certain situations. She wonders if he feels the same. No worries, she'll get to see him tomorrow at the wedding.

  Frisk got up at six in the morning the next day and took a refreshing shower to get ready for today's big event. After she was up and out and put my bathrobe on, she woke Chara to have her take a shower as well. She complained a bit and mumbled something about being a bridesmaid shouldn't mean punishment. Nevertheless, she took her shower.

  Seven-thirty. Oh man. Alphys told us the dresses would be shipped here before the wedding but they still haven't gotten here. Frisk was starting to get worried. When Frisk called Alphys, it took so long for her to answer that she almost thought she wasn't. Instead of Alphys answering her phone, Undyne's voice came through. "Hi, Alphys can't be here at the moment," she notified. Frisk had to move the phone a little further from her ear.

  "Hey, Undyne, the dresses somehow still haven't arrived," Frisk told her in a friendly manner.

  "WHAT?" A little further from my ears then. From the distance, Frisk heard Undyne shout, "AL, ARE YOU SURE YOU GOT THE ADRESS RIGHT FOR FRISK'S AND HER FRIENDS DRESSES??"

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