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"Don't Izumi. Not now. " Suga tried to duck away from the taller male's attempt to scent. The captain of the basketball team only kept Suga firmly in place against the wall of the empty corridor just outside of the infirmary.  The shorter boy's face pinched his hands coming up to push firmly at the taller boy's chest. "I said don't Izumi. Not here. Someone may see."

"Just stand there, you reek like that little bastard, he's barely off his mother's-"? The third year alpha was growling his nose scrunched up.

"Izumi!" Suga snapped, cutting short the vulgar comment aimed at Kageyama. This earned him a warning growl from the basketball team's tall captain.

"There's no one around. It's fine. And who the fuck do you think you are telling me No! " The alpha snapped his sharp teeth too close to Suga's unprotected neck.

Suga, refused to flinch but a small whine escaped him. Dammit! He was so weak! Useless! He deserved to be treated like this. He always made his boyfriend angry. Especially now.

"That little brat is still in there. I'm sure he won't leave that kid's side. By how he's coated that room with his scent he won't be popping his head out anytime soon. Not for some nagging bitch like you. Not when he's got such a helpless unconscious-"

Suga struggled again his legs were pinned against the cold wall his wrists cruelly brought up above his head

"Hurts-you're hurting me." The omega cringed, trying to withhold another whimper burning the back of his throat.

Suga felt his heart breaking, this was the truth of it. He had tried to convince himself for far too long. They were not compatible, how could he have ever thought that he was worth being loved? Suga knew this, why did he even hope Izumi could overlook all his faults. Could accept that he was anything but beautiful, or smart. Baka Koushi. The fears he had were now on display as the Alpha ignored his pain and the fear starting to circle the two.

Weak. So weak. You make everything worse. Control yourself Sugawara. Suga tried to bring himself to heel, he needed to be calm. Izumi hated how manipulative Suga's scent could be when he was afraid or upset. The Alpha growl deep in his chest, in response to Suga's scent and again Koshi closed his eyes, he needed to be calm but his breaking heart pounded in his chest, every crack and broken shard so sharp and painful. His wrists were held higher and he barely stood at the tips of his toes holding back tears.

"Why would the alpha or anyone for that matter want you? That guy in there's lucky when he's got the target of his affections in front of him and all alone. Little fucker. He made you stink! They all do. They have their own mothers! The way they cling to you it's so pathetic. You are my OMEGA MINE! Now that you're on an integrated team you reek of alpha! You smell like adolescent- "

"I said stop. What will it look like if I suddenly go back smelling like you? You are the one who laid these ground 'rules' . " Suga bit his bottom lip, hating how he sounded, he wasn't jealous, okay. Yes he was. And he was also very hurt, physically and mentally. The ugly truth was he knew he would definitely be bruised in the very least before this confrontation was over, but his heart would be shattered beyond hope.

Why was he so insecure and saddened by the fact his boyfriend didn't want people to know they were a couple? Why did it hurt to be denied the things that every other couple were allowed, the simple things like holding hands in public or even eating lunch together. He should be used to the idea of alone.

His own parents didn't want him, after all they had left their omega son with his alpha grandmother. And once again he was some secret that the one he loved or at least thought he loved, kept hidden away. Izumi didn't want to lose popularity points if anyone found out his fiance was on the volleyball team, on top of that the omega was practically an unwanted orphan.

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