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"Stay calm." I said. "Deep breaths."
"Why? Why can't I be normal?" She cried.
"You are normal. You're just... Different."
"I don't wanna be different. I want to be like every other person my age."
"There are people your age here. They're just like you." I breathed in deep. "Look, we're not going to force you to stay here. You can go at any moment. But, I'm asking you to give it a chance, to give yourself a chance. Being different can be something good." I smiled. "Just try. Everything you'll need is over there." I pointed to the dresser. "You can call me whenever you need. Okay?"
"Okay." I smiled before leaving the room.

I left Claire's room, feeling like I hadn't been able to fully convince her, poor girl, only 13 and already found out about her powers, and in the worst way. She was cooking hamburgers when her brother surprised her in the kitchen. Scared, she burned him whole with her bare hands, she was brought here after that.
Our school is far from the civilization so that way we can train without hurting any civilians.

My name is Lauren Jensen, my father is the headmaster of Jensen High For Special Children. I also have powers, as do my sisters. I have to admit, I was also scared when I found out about my first out of seven powers.

I walked down the stairs to find two of my sisters in the kitchen.

"Hi." I said.
"Hey." They said in unison.
"What are you doing? You have classes in..." I checked my phone. "Five minutes."
"Yeah, yeah... Whatever." Camila said.
"Dad's going to be really pissed with you. And I won't wanna be there when he puts you to teach the 'demons' as punishment." Their facial expressions changed. They were scared. "Well, if you aren't going to your classes I'm going to mine. Bye girls."

I walked through the hallways to my class. When I opened the door a ball of fire almost hit me in the head, but I quickly dodged it making it go straight to the wall.

"NICHOLAS!" I yelled.
"Sorry Lo."
"It's, Ms. Jensen." I corrected.
"Two hours in the neutral room as detention and you're out of the power competition."
"What? No!"
"Out. No excuses. Now let's get it started. Everybody on your respective places."

Everyone ran to their places. There were twenty students, in front of each there was a test doll at exactly 15 feet away.

"So, today I want you to shoot the target. Focus all your power in one place, don't think of anything else, and then shoot." They all nodded.

I went to the back of the room, to a little booth that allowed me to see everything and protected me from being attacked, the walls and windows were armored – we had to do this after a student threw a concrete ball against the booth – there was a panel in front of me, I pressed the white button and the walls lifted themselves between each student and their targets.

"Whenever you're ready." I announced.

An hour later, they all stopped as an alarm sounded. The walls slid down and I walked toward them.

"Well, now I can say with certainty that you're not prepared for the final test." Their heads hung low in disappointment. "You know what you need to do. You're just not... Doing it."
"But Ms. Jensen, we're trying." Marissa said.
"I'm absolutely sure of that. But, I've been through this. And this..." I pointed to the targets. "It's not enough to pass the final test."
They were all visibly upset and I was upset with this. But it only depended on them.

"Look, before the test, I will do one of my own. I recommend you practice before and after every class, because it won't be easy. If you pass this test, then you're ready for the final one. If you fail, then... I'm sorry." The bell rang and they got their stuff and left.

I went to get my stuff as well when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me from behind. I smiled.

"So... Ms. Jensen, was I that bad?" He asked.
"But I hit the target." He turned me to face him.
"Yes, two seconds before the time was up, because you got angry. We've talked about this."
"Okay, okay." He held his hands up in surrender. "So, is our date still up?"
"I'm sorry Hazza, my dad set up this meeting with the girls and I."
"But Lolo..." He whined.
"I know babe, I know." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and smiled. "But I can't cancel." He looked at me with sad eyes, but nodded.
Harry knew about my responsibilities and respected them, and tried at all costs to understand.

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