Chapter 16

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"Lea!" Cole screeched. "Get us out of here!" He screamed.
"I can't." She said, sulking into herself. "And how would I even do that?"
"You could multiply yourself and get us all out." Lea nodded.
"I can't multiply too far away yet. Only close to me. It wouldn't help." They all sighed.
"Well I can't phase through this." Chris said, trying to phase inside the quicksand and not really going anywhere.
"Melissa can you teleport us out of here?" Madelaine asked.
"I can't move my hands, and you guys are too far away from me, I can't touch you." She said, trying to move around and sinking in further.
"Don't move like that, you'll sink." Cole warned and she stopped. "What do we do now?" He asked out loud, but not really in the intention of actually getting an answer.

While they struggled with the quicksand, the other group had yet to get rid of all the animals. This was becoming very fun to watch. But boring at the same time, if they couldn't leave the quicksand, they couldn't keep going after the box and same thing for the other group. So I pressed a few buttons and the animals became slightly less strong and vines started growing on the trees surrounding group number 5. Perhaps this way they'll be faster and get to the box already.

"Look up, guys." Madelaine said to her friends. They all looked up to see the vines, hanging from the trees. "If we can get that, we can probably get out of here."
"But we can't move our arms." Lea protested.
"Cole doesn't need his arms." Chris pointed out.
All eyes were then on Cole who sighed heavily.

He then took a deep breath and looked in the direction of a vine, and after a few tries, the vine started moving and it moved until it got close enough to him, he wiggled one arm out to reach it and when he finally took it, he willed the vine back so he could stand on land. After being safely standing up, he started moving all the vines around him to help his friends, and in no time everyone was out of the quicksand and standing back up on their own two feet.
All the while inside the jungle, Nick had just burnt the snake's head off. Normani had finally defeated the lion and was now sitting against a tree resting. Joe and KJ had gotten rid of the monkeys and Zayn had injured the panther enough that it wouldn't be bothering them anymore. They were all spent. All but Nick, who was now going around his friends and helping them, by healing their wounds.
With everyone back into action, I decided not to interfere anymore for the time being.

Chris and Melissa led their group through the path, while Normani led her group inside the jungle. Group number 5 ended up getting to the end of the jungle first, and Cole soon saw something that he thought might lead them to the box. They walked through a slim path, forcing them to walk in a line. When they got to the end of the path they were met with a clearing and in the middle sat a pedestal, and on top of it was a black box. Their eyes lit up and they ran to it. I smiled

"Just where I wanted you to go." I said.

They ran to the pedestal and Melissa opened the box to see it was empty. My sisters and I laughed.

"There's nothing in it." She said, letting the others look.
"They wouldn't tell us to come look for an empty box." Lea said.
"So there must be another box somewhere." Chris said and they started looking around for something that could be what they were looking for.

I smirked as I saw them look up upon hearing something on the bushes around them, then I pressed the button on the tablet and five people jumped from the bushes and in the group's direction.

"Oh, great." Cole grumbled.
"I can do this." Madelaine said, stepping forward in front of the natives. Their spears pointing her way, the arrows ready to fly. She smiled softly and lifted her right hand in front of her body, like a shield. She tilted her head slightly to the side and the look in the natives' faces changed. Sneaky little red head, she was using an illusion on them. "Keep looking, I'll distract them." She said.

The others started looking for the box, while the illusion of something else entirely, played out for the natives that were once ready to attack them.
All the while, group number 2 had just left the jungle and were headed to the clearing. And with a pang in his head, Cole felt them getting near.

"Go faster. We don't have much time and they're coming!" The boy exclaimed.

They had two more minutes on the clock. Group 2 was still crossing the path to the clearing and group 5 had yet to find the right box. And Madelaine seemed to be getting tired.

"You guys, I don't think I can hold it for much longer." She said, getting weak on the knees, Chris caught her before she could fall. He looked up and saw from the corner of his eyes, that Zayn and the other's were near.
"Mads?" He asked. She hummed looking up at him weakly. "I'm gonna need you to create one more illusion." He said.

And in the next minute Madelaine got up and created her last illusion. Making the natives attack the opponent group instead, giving them the time to keep looking. And that was when Melissa saw it, hiding behind a rock, a small red box. She opened it and saw a necklace, she looked up at the sky and saw the clock ticking away fast as it counted down the last seconds. She got up and called for her group, Cole helped Madelaine up.

"I think I found it." She said, holding out the box for them to see, they smiled.
"Just in time." Lea said as the buzzer sounded and the lights went out.

We turned the simulator off and got off of the booth, letting the other students leave the room next door. And just as the lights came back, I saw Madelaine falling, Ally was next to her just as fast and didn't let her fall.

"Someone call Ms. Marin!" Camila yelled.
My sisters and I rushed to the girl's aid. This was not supposed to happen. 

Hey guys!
Another cliffhanger for you cause I'm into those now.
So what did you think? Do you think group 5 should've won or not? Do you think Mads is okay? Who do you think is going up next?

Once again, thank you for reading, it makes me the happiest girl ever to know you like what I write.
I love you

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