Chapter 23

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Y/N stepped back a little, scared. But the others however, didn't share her sentiment and in fact stepped forward, towering over the boy.

"I already said. You do not scare me." He said calmly.
"We'll give you a reason to be scared." Ariana growled at the kid. He only chuckled.
"You're the ones who should be running scared." He said. "Look around." He opened his arms wide as to motion towards the entire city, he turned his back to them and resumed he's staring at the horizon. "Don't you get it? I did this. I destroyed everyone and everything. That was my doing. All me." He said, not sounding very triumphant. "Those people laying still on the pavement, I did that." He said nodding his head slowly as if to come to terms with what he was stating. "The mothers crying for their children. The husbands looking for their wives. Families dismantled. Houses brought to the ground. Jobs lost. It was all... Me." He said the last word so low, they could barely hear it, but still they did and looked down sadly at the young boy. But soon he straightened his posture and became rigid again. "Which is why you should fear me. Be scared. Be frightened. Be terrified. Panic. I want you to feel all of it." He turned around and he's eyes were filled with rage.

"Now Ally." I said and she nodded, pressing some buttons on the tablet until the boy started walking slowly in the direction of the students who in turn started backing up, away from him.

With one swift move of his right hand he sent Melissa, Lea and Madelaine flying across the rooftop, making the three of them fall against the hard gravel on the floor with a thud. The rest of them looked scared, but determined.

"Are you guys okay?" Ariana asked, not moving from where she stood in her fight stance.
"Fine." She heard Lea respond.

Soon they were all running in the boy's direction, Ariana had turned herself into a gorilla and had tried grabbing the boy with her now enormous hands, but he stopped her by just putting his hand up in front of him, she looked puzzled, as if she was trying to move but couldn't.

"Ariana!" Louis called, running in the boy's direction. The clouds above them started to change colors and suddenly a very strong wind came, behind him Liam was bringing up the storm, so they could work together. And they did, when the dark clouds settled right above his head, Louis looked up and rain started pouring, but it never touched the floor or them, because he was holding it in his hands, all the water. And he threw it in the boy's direction giving him little time to deflect as the water engulfed him. Liam on his part started moving his hands around like a dance when a very strong wind blew everyone's faces. Chris looked behind him to see a tornado coming toward them. Cole being the fast thinker he was sprung into action and with a hand stretched in front of him and the other on his temple, he concentrated and soon the boy was being lifted from the floor and carried closer to the tornado. The force of the wind sucked him in and Louis let go of the water.

"Is he...?" Lea asked. No one answered right away.
"I think so." Harry Shum said.

But then suddenly the tornado exploded, cars, bodies, animals and such flying everywhere as it did. And in the center of it, was Peter. Barely a scratch.

"Spoke too soon." Harry said more to himself.
"I would have to agree." Y/N said.
"Melissa was right, we can't do this one by one." Madelaine said. "He'll exhaust us to death or actually kill us all."
"Then we fight together, then." Ariana said. They all nodded.

They looked up to see the boy floating in the air, his clothes flapping on the wind. He didn't look at all happy. He floated his way to the rooftop and landed as gracefully as a feather, his feet not even making a sound.

"You foolish people." He said between gritted teeth. "You thought you could defeat me?!" He screamed, his voice booming. "Now you leave me no choice but to kill you."
"Come at me, kid." Chris said.

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