Chapter 20

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And with their heads hung low they all left, Y/N however stayed, like she always did. I watched as my sisters left after everyone, leaving the both of us alone.

"Hey." She said, kissing me softly, I smiled into the kiss.
"Hi, there." I kissed her cheek and she giggled. She leaned in closer, her nose touching mine, her breath hitting my lips. "I'm not gonna tell you who won." I smirked and she threw her head back.
"Oh come on!" She exasperated. "Just a small hint?" She asked cutely. I shook my head, she sighed. "Fine, don't tell me." She narrowed her eyes and said lowly. "I'll find out myself." Making me throw my head back in laughter.
"Let's just get out of here." I told her, taking her hand and walking to the door.

The day after...

I woke up once again, with Selena in my bed, she had a nightmare and came straight to me, I couldn't turn her down. I tried my best to not wake her up when I got out of bed, and I actually succeeded. I took a quick shower and when I got out, Sel was still asleep, I sighed. I got dressed and wrote her a note so she would know where I went and wouldn't freak out, you would be surprised with how many times this has happened in the past.

I walked out of my room and into the hallway, taking a different route to the kitchen this time, making me pass by my father's office on the way, and that's when I heard it. The screaming. A lot of screaming, I walked closer to the door and leaned against it, touching my ear to the hard wood.

"There's no way, we've looked everywhere Eve." It was my dad's voice.
"There must be something we can do." She said in response.
"I'm afraid Edward's right, sweetie." Grandpa?
"I've been looking everywhere I could as well. Ever since your father told me about the curse, but I've found nothing." Grandma is here too? This can't be good.
"What are we going to do?" Mom asked.
"This is happening at the end of the year, during winter break. We'll let the kids go home for the break, like every year." Dad said.
"And what about our kids?" Mom asked, exasperated. "What about us?"
"We get out of here." Dad said.
"I don't think you understand this, Ed." Grandma said. "The curse was not only put on this house, but on this family as well. We're all cursed, there's no running from that." I put my hand in my mouth to suppress the loud gasp that was going to come out.
"So wat do you suggest we do, Emily?" Dad asked.
"Honestly?" She said. "I have no idea."

I ran down the hall to the kitchen where I was sure I would find my sisters, and sure enough, there they were. I stopped abruptly in front of the table, three sets of eyes staring straight at me.

"What has gotten into you?" Demi asked.
"We need to talk." I said, trying to catch my breath from the run. "But not here, somewhere more private." I said.
"What happened?" Camila asked.
"I can't say now. We need to wake Selena up and go to our place." They all nodded and we left to go wake up our sister.

When we got to my room, I opened the door to see Selena was already up and dressed.

"Oh hey." She said, but when she looked behind me and saw the others, she frowned. "What's happening?" I shook my head at her and only nodded for her to follow me.

I led my sisters into the forest and through the trees. We walked for about twenty minutes before we finally got to our secret place.
I was this small space in the middle of the forest, where the path was no longer visible, around us there were only trees and rocks. Camila walked closer to one of the trees and touched the trunk, and suddenly on the top of the nearest tree, a house showed up, a tree house. The ladder fell and we started climbing up, Demi was in front of everyone, so she was the one to punch the code to open the door. Once inside I sighed in relief, we were safe here.
We had built this tree house years ago, and every year that passed by we did some changes to it, like the cloaking mechanism, or the code on the door. This house was 100% online, and we were the only ones who knew about it.

The place was pretty large, with chairs, beanbags, a couch, a control panel, a mini fridge – Demi's request – and even a TV, that one's on me. We all sat down, and when I found myself comfortable on the couch, I saw all of them were staring at me.

"So, why are we here?" Ally asked.
"Yeah, Lo. We have other things to do than play house." Demi said. I scoffed.
"We're not playing house, Demetria." She glared at me. "I have something important to tell you. But no one can hear it."
"Not even Mom and Dad?" Camila asked lowly. I looked at her.
"Specially not Mom and Dad." I took in a deep breath. "I heard the both of them talking in Dad's office. Grandma and Grandpa were there as well."
"Grandma too?" Selena asked. I nodded.
"They were talking about the curse, and how they haven't found anything on how to lift it." I said. "Dad said that because of the date on the manuscript, we'll be sending the students home for the holidays."
"And what about us?" Demi asked eager, seeming nervous. I shook my head.
"There's nothing that can be done about that." I said. "He cursed both the property and this family. We can't run, he'll find us wherever we go." Camila squealed, hiding behind Demi's shoulder.
"So what are we supposed to do?" Ally asked.
"They don't know. But I think I do." 

Hey guys I'm back
So finally the girls are addressing the elephant in the room, what do you guys think they'll do? Or better yet, what do you think they SHOULD do about this?

I suggest you guys pay very close attention to the next two or three chapters that are coming because they are vitally important for the rest of the book.
Also, I'm apologizing in advance for things that will be happening in furmture chapters.

Love you guys
- B

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