Chapter 1- The curse and me

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"Hey fellow readers, the last story i started on was not to my liking therefore i might not be continuing it. But this is a fresh new story, it is going be a slightly different kind of a teen love story. it has a hint of history and technology both. Enjoy and please comment :)" 



I am not fond of being treated like a princess; though it would it seem otherwise. I understand I don’t always show my true emotions but I do love my family, even though I pretend not to. The thing is I need to find a secret, a secret my mother hid from us a long time ago.

A secret buried in the history of the Abernath’s, due to which I lost everything. Finding that secret was my mother’s last wish and has now become my destiny. I promise you mother I will find it.



“Miss, please wake up. Your father has requested for an audience with you.” I slowly fluttered my eyelids open at the last bit of news. My father, the Edward Abernath, was back in town, oh joy. “What a revelation I had no idea. Obviously he will be back in town, this is his house after all, or have you forgotten who your master is?” I sneered, she avoided my gaze but I could see her lips quivering with nervousness. “I am sorry young mistress, I was just told to convey the message to you. Please forgive me for my imprudence,” she muttered sheepishly.

“Go away and tell my father to await his daughter’s presence, oh and draw me a lavender bath Maria,” I mumbled into my pillow. After almost an hour long of pampering I sat in front of my dresser. “Look at you; you have everything a girl could ever wish for. Your hair is braided in silver and gold, your beauty puts the flowers to shame but still why do you crave for more? Girls pray to god day and night to let them live my life. Maybe because I never wanted jewels and dresses and footwear, maybe I did not want wealth at all, maybe all I needed was a real father and real love. All I want is to be a normal girl. I guess being rich is not enough, “What I have is just not enough.”

The doors opened with an unsatisfied creak and a loud voice boomed in, “Ah, how on earth can my daughter, who has all the riches in the world, ever be satisfied?” Though his tone had humour, I could clearly see the hard edge in his steely grey eyes; after all I had inherited those from him. “So what is it that my darling daughter so desperately wants to covet this time?” “Father, there are so many things in the world I want to covet, but I’m sure that you cannot give me a single one of those…riches” I sneered. “Well then I’m not sure who can. But for tonight I’ll try and provide you with all you need but in return I request you to look your best for tonight’s ball”.

His tone confused me, “But father I always dress up my prettiest for all the gatherings, so why do you have a special request about my appearance for tonight?” “Well, tonight is different from the rest as tonight; many fine, young, noble men would be present to offer themselves up for the position of becoming your suitor.” I was stunned into silence, “My suitor….? Why do I need a suitor?” “Don’t be ridiculous Rowena, for your marriage of course, what other reason could there be”, he laughed. “Father, do not spout such nonsense, mother would have never allowed this. Why do I need to marry?”

I screamed at him, but I guess that wasn’t an appropriate gesture as his eyes hardened immediately. “Never raise your voice at me Rowena; you have become a burden to me that I can no longer carry. If you get wedded then our household will acquire a large lump of wealth that will be enough to aid the Abernath’s foundation. I do not care for your petty wishes; you have always gotten all the riches girls your age would die for so I do not see a reason for complain. Get dressed and come downstairs to the hall, I do not want to hear another word on this matter. My decision is final and irrevocable.” And with that he stormed out of the door.

Tears were streaming down my face and I fell on the floor crying. Why couldn’t I have a moment of kindness, a drop of love or even a cell of affection from my own father? I wiped my face and went to my dresser to doll up my face again.

After almost an hour, I looked presentable again and according to my father’s wish I went down to the ballroom. The corridors were unusually quiet and there was not a person in sight. Where are all the maids and the guards? I thought. I opened the door to the ballroom and took a step inside only to find myself engulfed in the middle of darkness. No it isn’t darkness, I thought, it looked like the night sky. What was this astonishing arrangement?

I turned around to leave but to my utter dismay I found that the door had vanished. “There is no way to leave now my dear, any attempt of an escape is futile.” I whipped my head towards the voice to find a hooded person standing with a book in her hand, it looked like a woman. “What is this place? I demand to get out of here right now”, I screamed frantically. “Well dear, unfortunately you need to follow tradition. Listen carefully Rowena Abernath of the Abernath family; a curse had been placed upon the lineage of women in your family. Now that you’ve reached of age the curse has once again been awakened. You need to find the teardrops of life and collect them before the blue moon appears two fortnights from now. Fulfil what your mother could not, break the curse or else suffer the same fate as your mother. Bless you my child for a prosperous journey.” A bright light appeared and I felt myself falling into an empty void. The last thing I heard was a soft whisper of a woman saying “I’m sorry my love…..” as I was engulfed by darkness.

2014, NEW YORK:


“Wake up Kyle, or else you won’t make it to school on time”, my mother shouted from downstairs. But was I going to listen to her? No way man, I’m Kyle Black I don’t listen to anybody. “Kyle Black, if you don’t get up immediately, I will take away all your games, will not allow you to attend the school fest and will make you clean your room or so help me I will.” Okay, it seems that I will have to make an exception this time.

I hurriedly got out of bed and went to prepare myself for another day of high school. I am not going to lie, I am pretty well known at school because of being in the boxing club, but I sometimes tire down of the fake personalities people around me put up just to be included in the popular crowd. “Mom I’ll be leaving now, bye.” I went to my car; my Porsche 911 turbo, she is the love of my life. It took me meagre ten minutes to reach Red Mount High; I parked my car and walked towards my group of friends. Same old day, same old school, same old friends, same old classes, same old girls, same old EVERYTHING.

As I lay on my bed after returning home from school, I pondered on my life and concluded that at the moment my life did not have a grain of excitement in it. “God please add some excitement to my life, please give me something fun to do, get rid of this boredom of mine, get rid of…” before I could finish my sentence something fell on my face. It looked like a doll.“Umm god, I asked for excitement, not a doll.” I spoke out looking at the doll in my hand. Suddenly the doll in my hand moved, she blinked her eyes and looked at me, one tiny hand moving up to rub her eyes.

“Umm god, you are upping the ante of the excitement factor now” I muttered loudly, my breath coming in short spurts. Then a melodic voice spoke up “What happened? Where am I? What is this place? Who are you? What is that awful smell? Answer me commoner!” I looked down at the doll in my hand and saw her frowning face and pursed lips. That’s it folks, I don’t mind being honest and I’m not afraid to admit that I might just be losing my mind here. I don’t think my body could take anymore as I saw black spots dancing in front of my eyes.

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