Chapter 2: New beginning?

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Hey guys (: this is gonna be kinda short because yea lol I hope you all are having a good school year so far. I start next week. And I probably won't update for a very long time...maybe for months. So today and this weekend will be one of the last updates. I know I kinda keep saying this. But I truly apologize ahead of time if I can't update for you'll be like last time...I won't update most likely for the whole school year until I get yea. Sorry loves. Well enjoy chapter 2!


(Hopes p.o.v.)

"So tell us about yourself love" the blonde one said smiling at me

Okay so here's the thing. Whenever I'm interviewed they always ask the same questions everytime. And the thing is since I refuse to talk they decide that they don't want to foster me after all. They change their minds. No one wants me because I am too quiet and they want a child who actually talks. Not a 9 year old who is mute.

Ms.Susan encourages me to talk for myself. Should I? Maybe just this once...

"Umm...I'm Hope...I'm 9.....I lost my mum when I was 3....ummm..."

Ms.Susan saw that I was uncomfortable so she decided to continue.

"I have all her files right here. Hope has a hard time talking. You might get something out of that more then you can out of her. It's nit her fault. She has had a rough past."

I go mute again. I feel like I get judged by everyone, except for Ms.Susan and little Isabella who is one of the little girls that lives here also. Isabella knows I don't talk. But she's okay with it.

But why in the world would this famous boy band want me? Why of all people? I'm nothing special. They probably just want me for publicity. And then they'll throw me on the side of the curb like I'm nothing. Which I already am nothing.

(Niall's p.o.v.)

The boys and I have decided that we want to foster a little girl. We wanted a new addition to our little family. No this isn't for publicity. We all agreed and decided this on our own. Simon just happened to agree. We told him no publicity. Just a new addition.

So here we're at Ms.Susan's foster home for kids. We all agreed on we wanted to foster a child from the ages between 6-10 years old. We have come into here once before to talk to Ms.susan. she was very pleased to hear about us wanting to foster a child. She let us look at all the files of the children that were there. But one specific one caught my eye. It was Hope. Just something in my heart knew she was the one. And everyone seemed to agree. That's why we're here to take her in as a foster child. I never knew she was going to be this quiet. But it just made her cuter. When she talked she didn't sound like a 9 year old. And she was so tiny and fragile too. Her big blue eyes shown, hope and fear and so many other things behind it.


She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

" We would like to take you in as a foster child. Are you alright with that?"

She slowly nodded her head yes, still a small smile on her face

" And just so you know none of this is for publicity. We want a new addition in our family. A little daughter or sister. Are you okay with that?"

She gave me a nodd and a bigger smile.

"Alright then. Go on and pack what you have. We'll fill out the forms"

She looked at me once more, as if she knew she could trust me and then headed upstairs.

(Hope's p.o.v.)

I can't believe they want to take me into their arms. And I feel like I could trust the blonde boy. The expression on his face just made me trust him. I think he was actually being serious. I finished packing my things including teddy and my picture of my mum and went downstairs.

Isabella came running towards me with a frown.She's only 4

"you leaving? Don't go hope, I needs you! You my onwy fwiend!"

I gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead and then I whispered "you'll be okay izzy. I might be back. You be a good girl okay?"

"Otay. Wuv you hope"

I felt so bad. She was the only person she had left because both her parents died when she was little. I whispered again "I love you too baby" and then I went on my way to where they were at.

"Ready to go love?" The blonde one asked me

I nodded giving him a small smile

Ms.Susan came over to me and gave me one last hug.

" I told you, you would get fostered one day. But just remember it's only for a few months. Unless they want to adopt you for good"

I nodded again. I knew the routine by now. After we said our good byes, me and the boys went out to their car- I mean limo. They're famous after all.

Well here starts a new beginning out my life. I hope


Hey guys! I'm sorry this is so short...My mom told me I had to go to bed so I kinda rushed it. Sorry if it's crap. I'll probably update with a longer chapter tomorrow or something.

Well good night.


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