Who Zoomin' Who

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***Picture Above is Alex*********

"I hate opening the store first thing in the morning", Alex growled. "Calm down. This is gonna be your last time opening the store. School starts in a week." CJ Said to Alex. Alex unlocked the doors to the store and flipped the switches for the lights in the building. "This is going to be a fun day" Alex mumbled sarcastically. "Listen, I know you're acting like this because You and Dane broke up. Besides, He was closeted anyway." Said CJ. "I know but it was something about him that made me feel so amazing inside. I miss Dane." Alex Said. "Yea I know. How about you go with Melvin?" Suggested CJ. "He said he doesn't like to date nerdy guys." Stated Alex. "Well you know even though I'm bi-curious....." CJ said with a smirk on his face. "No! I'm not being friends with benefits with you." Said Alex. "Why not?"CJ questioned. "Because we're gonna end up hating each other in the end." Alex said. "I understand. Well let's get to work." CJ said.


The day goes by slowly until this couple walks in arguing. "Admit it! You slept with her while I was on a business trip!" The Woman yelled. "I promise I didn't sweetheart" pleaded The Man. "Then why was there a hotel key in your pocket while I was doing the laundry." The Woman questioned. "Um...Can I help y'all with anything" asked CJ. "No we don't now leave us alone!" Screamed The Woman. CJ throws his arms into the air as he walks into employee backroom, but Alex sits at the cash register and listens in on the couples argument. "I hate you! I should've never married you in the first place!" The Woman said with tears in her eyes as she walked out of the store. The husband followed her out of the store. "Baby! Please wait!" He yelled. Alex chuckled and went back to reading his newspaper. Another person walks in, and he walks up to the cash register. "Aye is CJ here?" He asked. "And you are?" Alex questioned. "I am Jackson. Jackson Revins." He said as he reached out his hand waiting for a handshake. Alex shook his hand. "I'm Alex. Alex Wells. It's nice to meet you Jackson. I'll go get him for ya." Alex said with a smile. "You seem like a nice fella." Jackson nicely said. Alex chuckled as he walked to the backroom, but when his back was turned he had a bright smile on his face.

"Hey CJ, Jackson's looking for you." Said Alex. "Tell him I'll be out in a minute." CJ said while laying on the couch. Alex walks back to the front and tells Jackson,"He's coming in a minute." CJ walks out the backroom saying, "Aye! What's up Jack?" Jackson responded with," Not much just moved in." "Alex, This is Jackson Revins. He just moved into town. Jack, This is Alex. He is my only best gay buddy." CJ said while laughing. Alex hits CJ on the head for saying that out loud. "Really!?" Alex yelled. "Yes. I'm grown I can say what I want." CJ Said. "Why did you move her Jackson? Out of all places why did you move to a small town?" Alex asked. "It's long and painful story that I can't talk about right now. Well, I better get back to the house and unpack some more boxes." Said Jackson. "Alright bro. I'm glad you stopped by the shop to see me." CJ Said while giving Jackson a bro hug. "See ya, Alex." Jackson said while walking out the store.

"He's cute." Alex Said. CJ punched Alex in his arm. "He's not gay dude." CJ Said. "You don't know that." Said Alex. "Even if he is, he's a player." CJ Stated. "Oh well. We'll never know."


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