➣ NAME: by writing technique

430 29 96



Detailed and sophisticated: Owl
Short and succinct: Otter
Blunt and emphasized: Coral
Dark tone and figurative language: Badger
Lots of imagery: Dappled
Lots of suspense: Evening
Lots of plot twists: Sea
Other: Willow



Non-fiction: spring
Fiction: whisker
Historical fiction: trunk
Science fiction: root
Fantasy: shimmer
Mystery: frond
Research paper: tail
Argumentative essays: rain
Other: hop

Non-fiction: springFiction: whiskerHistorical fiction: trunkScience fiction: rootFantasy: shimmer Mystery: frondResearch paper: tailArgumentative essays: rainOther: hop

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VOTE on this part and COMMENT what name you get! Mine was Seawhisker.

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