"Let time take its course."
"I know there is no cure. I will make the most out of the time I have left in this world"
Heart-wrenching sobs filled the room.
A new transfer student arrives at Kunugigaoka Junior High. For some reason, she is...
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"Cosplay?!" Reiko asked in a mixture of shock and confusion. Fuwa nodded her head vigorously. "Why do I need to wear cosplay?" The green-haired girl asked in confusion.
"It's for this cosplay photography competition I'm entering with Okajima and Sugaya. We need two models. I was hoping you would be one of them." Fuwa explained.
"I see...I suppose there's no harm. Do I need to purchase a costume?" Reiko asked. Fuwa shook her head before signaling to Sugaya who handed Reiko a package. "This is the costume. We're doing an Alice in Wonderland theme" Sugaya explained. Fuwa sighed sadly. "I wanted to do anime but then everyone would be doing anime so we wouldn't stand out"
"I'll go get changed then" Reiko said, leaving the room.
"Great! Now we need a second model. Who's good looking here?" Fuwa said. "Maybe try Isogai?" Kataoka offered. Sugaya shook his head. "Isogai's great and all but he doesn't capture the vibe we're going for." The male said before looking around the room at his various classmates. His eyes landed on a certain someone.
"Perfect" Sugaya said.
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Reiko walked into the room in her costume causing the entire class to stare at her in shock as she examined herself before looking up.
"I feel like Nakamura would've made more sense for this since her hair is already blond and her eyes are blue." The green-haired girl said.
"Yea no, costumes are not for me" Rio said while snapping a photo of Reiko in costume.
"YOU LOOK PERFECT" Fuwa exclaimed with glee.
"You look great but I'm surprised you had blue contacts with you. They didn't come in the bag and I'll be honest...I didn't expect the wig to be so realistic considering how it looked in the packaging." Sugaya said. That's because I'm not wearing the wig...
"Alright, let's get to the photos" Okajima said.
"Where's the other model?" Reiko asked in confusion.
"Ma~ can't you see I'm right here, Kiwi-chan?" Reiko turned to see Karma standing at the doorway wearing a Mad Hatter costume.
"Wow, that actually fits extremely well especially considering how psycho Karma can get." Maehara said.
"Alright! Photos time!" Okajima, Sugaya, and Fuwa gestured the two models to follow them outside to a tree at the edge of the forest. There was a wooden swing that they installed specifically for the photoshoot there. The rest of the class following the group as well.
"Reiko, sit on the swing while Karma stands next to it" Fuwa directed. The two models listened to the directions they were given and Okajima began snapping photos with his camera.
"Karma stand behind Reiko and wrap your arms around her. Rest your head on the crook of her shoulder and flash a crazy smile. Reiko look straight ahead without any emotion present on your face" Fuwa directed. Karma slowly went and wrapped his arms around Reiko. The tips of his ears turning red. He hesitated but rested his head on her shoulder. His chin pressing down on the soft skin. He could smell her hair. It smelled like strawberries. Pink dusting his cheeks from the close contact. He gave his usual sadistic grin while Okajima snapped photos.
"Is that all?" Reiko asked.
"Of course not! There's 20 other poses you guys need to do"