"Let time take its course."
"I know there is no cure. I will make the most out of the time I have left in this world"
Heart-wrenching sobs filled the room.
A new transfer student arrives at Kunugigaoka Junior High. For some reason, she is...
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"I'm going to go get the tickets" Reiko said, walking to a ticket booth while Asano and Karma stood there waiting for her. They watched her walk away before Karma turned to Asano.
"Asano-chan at a movie theater instead of studying? My, are you even Asano-chan?" Karma teased but the orange-haired boy ignored him.
"I know you have feelings for her, Akabane." The orange-haired boy said, his eyes not leaving Reiko who was talking to the ticket booth worker. The green-haired girl felt a pair of eyes on her and turned to meet Asano's. She waved and he waved back before she turned back to the ticket booth worker.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Did you hit your head today, Asano-chan?" Karma said, feigning confusion.
"Cut the act, Akabane. She might not notice but you're quite obvious." Asano responded.
"Obvious about what?" Reiko asked, overhearing the last bit of Asano's sentence.
"Nothing, did you get the tickets?" Asano asked. Reiko nodded her head as she showed the two boys the tickets.
"There's a few more minutes before the movie starts. Do you want any snacks?" Reiko asked, gesturing to the snack purchasing area.
"Why don't you go find our seats. I'll go get the snacks." Asano said.
"Kiwi-chan doesn't like popcorn" Karma said. An irk mark appeared on Asano's head.
"I'll get you a churro." Asano told Reiko whose eyes lit up at the word 'churro'.
"With ice cream?" The green-haired girl asked. Asano nodded his head. A smile appeared on the girl's face at those words.
"Alright then, I'll go find the seats with Akabane." Reiko said, tugging on the sleeve of Karma's blazer.
"Ma~ Are you afraid of getting lost or something?" Karma teased.
"It's not the fear of getting lost. It's the fact that I know I will" Reiko responded while beginning to walk in the direction of the theater rooms. Karma turned to wave at Asano while trailing after Reiko.
"See you later, Asano-chan" Karma said with a smirk causing another irk mark to form on Asano's head.
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