human - gency

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"Be sure to come back for your check-up and examination tomorrow. Theres minimal ways to assist phantom pains; but i'll do my best."

"Thank ya' doc, I'll be off!"

Junkrat prances to the door and latches his hands onto the knob, smearing soot all over it.

"Wait! Don't forget to take your medication tonight."

"Will do, doc. Aint' nothin' ta' worry 'bout."

He practically throws the door open and sprints out the door, or however fast he can go with a peg leg. The high heel-like clicking sounds fade off ino the distance as Angela tidies up and calls it a day. She knew Trash Mouse wouldn't be consistent with his pills, or better yet, not take them period. The nuisance didn't even shut the door behind him!

She sweeps essentials into her trusty work satchel, such as a mini first aid kit and a few books about the human anatomy. Zipping the bag up, she slings it over her shoulder and heads off down the corridors of the base. Normally, she'd be relieved of stress after she finishes caring for soldiers, but today in particular was off.

Genji, her boyfriend of 2 years, hadn't contacted her all day. Anytime she called him, he'd decline it for seemingly no reason. What if he wants to leave me? No, he could just be busy.

She reached the last hall, which led to their shared room, being slightly bigger than everyone elses. While debating whether she should go in or not, she puts her ear up to the door. After a while, muffled whimpering and sniffles were audible, which that alone made her turn the handle and peek through.

What she saw was horrifying and purely concerning. The long, antique mirror displayed beside the bed had been battered and shattered into individial micro-sized shards. What caught her off guard was the sobbing mess curled up on the bed, his face planted into the sheets while letting out breaths between the choking sobs.

"I hate it! I hate it!"

He doesn't quite scream it, but more so raises his voice in agony. Angela drops everything to rush over and console the poor man, her arms wrapped wrapped around his torso and his head being cradled in her lab while he soaked her lab coat in tears.

"Oh Genji.. I know what this is all about. Talk to me, you know i'm no stranger to your self esteem levels."

"Why do you love me..? I have nothing to offer, just a few tin plates and green hair-"

"Don't be ridiculous. Everything about you is redeeming in my eyes, and I don't know who persuaded you to think like this but I don't like my work being unappreciated."

He continues to weep while Mercy traces soothing patterns onto his back and run her fingers through his hair with her other hand.

"I c-can't stand myself. I can't stand the way I look.. i'm nowhere near human and everyone knows this."

She lifts up his chin to face the woman herself, to stare at the blue pools of feelings known as eyes.

"You're human."

She moves down to his chest to point where his heart stays.

"For as long as this beats, you're alive, well, and most of all, human."

Angela shifts her hand back up to point at her own, just as a smile creeps up onto her face.

"And until the day this stops beating, will be the day I stop loving you, and to set a little reminder, it's not anytime soon."

Genji presses some kind of button on his visor, to which his visor is lifted off his scar littered face. He looks up at her once more to feel her thumb wiping the tears away.

"All of those stories on your face show where you've been, you've come such a long way since that dark time. You're now surrounded by immense amounts of love from all corners and I can't imagine any other life you deserve most. I love you, we love you."

Mercy moves her hands back to holding his chin up, only to peck him on the lips, but that's all it took for Genji to pull her into a more affectionate kiss. The sweet sensation of her soft lips lingered on his own as they moved rhythmically.

As soon as they parted, she dragged him into an emotional embrace he'll never regret.

"It's getting late, you and I are exhausted so sleep sounds like absolute heaven right now. And don't worry about the mirror, i'll clean the mess up in the morning."

She chuckles while pulling away from the Asian man. His face went from tear stained to sincerely admireable in a matter of minutes.

"Wouldn't mind that either Angela.."

Extended Ending:

Junkrat never showed up. Also, his medication was seen in a trash can.

a/n: hey uwu? sorry for the slow updates, but i promise frequent ones bc I HAVE WIFI NOw! and i've been playing ow nonstop and i went from high bronze to mid gold 👺 y'all better be proud of me


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