💚 consequences - bunny ribbit x reader

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a/n: the song in this is called Consequences by Camila Cabello, also this is another sad one so don't say i didn't warn you.
so enjoy. :^)

Dirty tissues, trust issues, glasses on the sink, they couldn't fix you..

..Lonely pillows in a strangers bed, little voices in my head.

Writers block is an absolute bitch. Piano notes echoed through the room, which is now infested with scrunched up paper balls and loose post-it notes. Lucio quite literally slams his head onto the keys out of frustration, he had no inspiration, no muse.

Secret keeping, stop the bleeding, I lost a little weight because I wasn't eating..

All the souls I can't listen to.

He felt like he lost his passion for music completely, but we all know that would never be the case. He also knew that it only took one little interaction to light a fuse of creativity in him.

To tell the truth.. loving you was young, and wild, and free.

Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet.

Desperate for something, he searched the room for just about anything to influence him. The musician wanders over to his lime green painted dresser to stare at the top drawer. That specific spot of storage space held valuables, or more so, things that were so personal that it hurt. Hesitantly, he grips the knobs of the drawer and begins to rethink his actions. Do I want to be reminded? Or am I just needy for a new song idea?

Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound, a steady place to let down my defences..

..But loving you had consequences.

He slid the drawer out, only to be met with trinkets of a blissful time for him, but it wasn't so delightful for her. Lucio shifts around the items, which includes a little bunny keychain Hana had given to him and a polaroid picture of the two drunk out of their minds. He picks up the photograph and carries it over to his piano and sets it down infront of the keys.

Hesitation, awkward coversation, running on low, expectatons.

Every siren that i was ignoring, i'm paying for it.

His creative juices were flowing, but all good things come with heartbreak. His eyes welled up with tears, but he didn't quite weep. Two solid years that he wasted on a girl that got sick of him, a girl he was so foolishly attatched to. She played mind games with him; saying she loved him one minute, and being called out for cheating the next. But he was blind, so awfully blind to her intentions. But his inability to see the torment resulted in a piece he was oh so proud of, he'd written a song in one sitting called Consequences.

Loving you was dumb, and dark, and cheap.

Loving you still takes shots at me.

Loving you was sunshine, but then it poured, and I lost so much more than my senses.

There was one person in his life that he savoured greatly, a little person named Y/N. They frequently checked up on him after the devastating split, and he can't thank them enough. Soft knocks on the door caught his attention, and by the way they knocked, he knew exactly who it was. Before heading to the door, he tosses the photograph into the small trash can nearby, and proceeds to answer the door. Lucio was presented with the cheery grin of Y/N.

"Hey Lu, Lena and I wanted to- .. Were you crying? Are you okay?"

Oh, that's right. They gazed into his bloodshot chocolate brown hued eyes.

"Hey, if there's any way I can help, don't hesitate to ask. I won't bite."

They let out a very held back giggle, and to be honest, he found it adorable.

But loving you had consequences..

And and right in that moment, he'd found them.

His muse.

A/N: omg ok i did something really dumb in comp, i was playing zen and the ana on my team accidently nano boosted me, and I ACCIDENTLY USED TRANSENDENCE OUT OF RETALIATION. my team wasn't toxic about it or anything but i looked like an absolute idiot ksksks

also! if you want my xbox gamertag then you can pm me for it! i might only give it to certain people, so don't be too offended if i don't.


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