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My own silence scares me. My own feelings scare me. Maybe it's because I don't know how to feel. My heart is void of feeling, void of loving.

The longer I stare, the more my thoughts spin around. Why am I still standing here in this room with Danny's whimpering body pressed to my chest? Why am I still standing with my back to the man who did this? And finally, why can't I look away from this gory sight? I should look away.

Looking down at the toddler in my arms, I use my hand to gently push him further into me. I feel his little hands grip the back of my shirt as he continues crying. I can feel his snot and tears seep into my shirt.

"Shh, I'm here. Mommy's here." I have to shield him from this. I have to keep him from seeing this horrible sight. 

The longer I stare into Jared's hollow blue eyes, the more my knees start to quake. The more I want to scream, shout, even look away but my own body is betraying me. My eyes won't look away and my lips won't move to scream. Like I said before, my own silence scares me. My own void feelings scare me. I shouldn't be watching him bleed to death on the living room floor. I shouldn't be watching his chest heave unevenly. I shouldn't be watching him grimace as  blood continues pooling from every angle of his wounded body. No, I shouldn't be watching this.

"I've been waiting for you." He pauses. Every fiber of my being is frozen when I hear his small steps walk towards us.  "Waiting for you and Danny."

My heart flutters when his fingertips wrap around my arms, clutching them with assertive dominance. My body remains rigid when I feel him pull my back to his chest. With quickened breaths, I hold Danny tighter. Can we make it to the door? It's only a few feet away.

But before I can move, I feel his chin rest on my shoulder before a breeze of cool air fans my nape.

"Tell me you've been waiting for me too." He exhales slowly, making sure his fingertips graze my skin just as slowly. My fluttering heart continues while I struggle to swallow.  What am I feeling? And most importantly, why am I feeling it now?

My teary eyes close while I'm instantly emmersed in a canopy of despair, desire, and dread. All weighing me down at once.  One part of my mind is telling me to run. It's telling me that I can't do this again. I have an urge to run, to leave everything behind and run with Danny in my arms. But I can't do that. I can't because another part of my mind is telling me to stay. Stay with him, let him take me and Danny home because I'm the only one who can change him. But do I really want to? I don't how to comprehend my feelings.

By the time I open my eyes, I see him. I see him standing in front of me with the smugest of smug smiles. I see how close we are. I see how are foreheads press while he stares into my eyes, making my breathing stop.

With gentle precision, he knots my hair in his fist before bringing my lips to his. I notice the way his other hand rests on the small of my back while his tongue caresses my lips. He grazes them teasingly, giving me room to pull away.

"Dont...don't pull away from me." His eyes are closed while he whispers warningly.

I squeak when his grip on my arm tightens and I'm pulled closer to him again. Wth Danny still pressed against me, I cradle his head to shield him. Shield him from his dad.

This time, he seizes my lips again, making it a point to dominate my mouth. I'm too afraid to pull away again so I slowly give  in to him, kissing him back until a desired moan parts from both of our lips. What the hell was that?

"Told you you belong to me and only me. Your body, your mind, and your soul belong to me. Now tell me you've been waiting for me too." Every word is cautious and concise as he speaks casually.  His bold, green eyes remain sharp while he gazes into my brown ones. His eyes remind me of an emerald ring of fire, intriguing yet dangerous. And just as his gleaming eyes are filled with desirable danger, mine are too.

The way he holds me close to him reminds me of how posessive he is. He still thinks I belong to him. He hasn't changed because he still thinks things will go his way. But what he fails to realize is that I haven't changed either. I'm not going down without a fight. And whether he knows or not, I hold the ultimate playing card. My heart. A brilliant idea pops into my head and in that instant my urge to run is replaced with a new urge. An urge to get revenge.

"I've been waiting for you too." I release a nervous exhale before plastering a seductive smile on my face.

"Danny and I have been waiting for you too."  I smirk while running my fingers through his blonde hair.

His penetrating malachite eyes never leave mine as he wraps his large arms around my petite frame.  By this time Danny's low sniffles have been replaced with light snoring. He has no idea who Ian is and now he'll be forced to find out. While I'll be forced to face my greatest fear again.

In The Arms Of Danger [Sequel to Make You Mine]Where stories live. Discover now