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In life we make choices. Good or bad, the choices we make today determine the outcome of tomorrow. I'm not too certain if the choice I made tonight is a good one. But I am sure it will make one hell of an outcome tomorrow. I have a strong feeling I'll wake up feeling more than regret.

I feel a small peck on my temple before he brings me closer to him. The way we're sitting-  me stiffly, while his arm wraps over my shoulders- shows his dominating posessiveness. I'll never get used to it.

What am I doing? 

Fear, doubt, and more troublesome feelings crowd my mind while I try to organize my thoughts. Everytime I think  about this; being here with him; being in this car with a man who has ruined my life, I get angry. I get angry at myself because I shouln't have to do this. I shouldn't have to put myself and Danny's life in danger like this to be free from Ian. He should be the one apologizing to us. 

"I know you're giving me a second chance, babe. Which is why I'm determined not to screw this up." 

Silence until I hear,

"And it's all the more reason why I'm going to do everything in my power to make you fall in love with me." He promises sternly. 

My eyebrows furrow the more I ponder. He wants to make me fall in love with him this time? But wait; didn't he convince himself that I was already in love with him? 

"I love you, Ava Campbell. And I'm going to make you feel it too. I'm going to make you fall in love with me over and over again." 

The determination and love in his soft tone scares me more than the way he is holding me right now. And if not for Danny sleeping in his arms, I'm sure he'd be holding me tighter. He would be suffocating me right now.  

The rest of the drive is covered in a blanket of silence. My erractically beating heart is the only sound filling my ears right now. It blocks out every sane thought imaginable. If I'm insane or downright stupid for doing this then so be it. I'm doing this for Danny; for myself. I'm doing this to prove a point to Ian. Love isn't just a mouth full of words, or a handful of actions. Love is deeper than that. Love is showing, feeling and proving.

"Stay quiet and close to me." He whispers to me as the car slows to a stop.

My head moves around, trying to see where we are but a firm grip on my shoulder causes me to freeze. Without hesitation, I focus my gaze on the black leather seat in front of me. I'm still afraid when it comes to making eye contact with him.

"Ava, stay quiet and close to me, okay?"

I can hear the edge in his tone. The same edge that startles me to my core because I know how serious he is. And I also know what the consequences will be if I disobey. Can I really do this again?

A small cough erupts from him, meaning his patience is running out.

Nodding assuringly, I continue biting my bottom lip to prevent myself from speaking out. I can't ask questions because if I do he'll get suspicious, and I don't want that. I want him to think I'm going with him willingly. I want him to think that I've finally come to my senses and have started to fall for him.

Stepping out, I search the area. It's a nearly empty parking garage. There are a few people moving about but not enough to get in Ian's way. 

A small push on my lower back, forces my legs into motion.  I have no idea where we're going. I have no clue as to where he is taking us. For all I know, it could be to some quaint cottage in Rhode Island, or a cozy cabin in Minneapolis. But like I've said before, I have no idea. 

In The Arms Of Danger [Sequel to Make You Mine]Where stories live. Discover now