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July 2017

"Ava, please don't do this. You don't want to go back to three years ago."

My eyes shift from my lap to her blue-gray ones. The way the corners of her full lips curve while her eyes hold concern indicate her sincerity. She's begging me to talk because she doesn't want me to go back. She and everyone else in my life don't want me to go back to my depression. But I don't know what I want. All I know is that she's begging and it's making her look pathetic. I kind of feel sorry for her, in a way.

"Dr. Coles I'm fine. Jared is just worrying about me for no reason." I try to sound convincing.

Relief shadows her features from my reply. She's thankful I finally allowed my voice to bounce off her light colored walls.

"It's for a good reason Ava. He told me about your nightmares."

My eyes close as I try to steady my breathing. Why did he tell her that? He had no right going behind my back to talk to my therapist.

"Look Ava, there's nothing to worry about. That's the best thing about nightmares, they aren't real." She tries to make things better, but it's not working.

A nightmare that felt too real is a problem for me. And it doesn't just occur once, these have been vivid, reoccuring nightmares. They all start the same; with me standing in the living room. with Danny in my arms. I'm watching Jared bleed to death and I'm doing absolutely nothing to stop it. And then, it ends with Ian kissing me, and me actually wanting to leave with him.

I hate these dreams but I can't make them stop. And what makes things worse is when Dr. Coles and Jared bring them up. They aren't helping me.

"Can we go now?"

Her eyes mirror shock while analyzing me. She's surprised I snapped so quickly.

"But you just got here..." She pulls out her phone to stare at the time. I usually see her around eleven in the morning but she had more than her usual number of clients.

Now it's only eight thirty which leaves thirty more minutes for this session but I don't want to stay.  

"Yeah, and now I have to go." Shaking my head, I grab my bag then stand. I'm about to walk out until her hand on my arm stops me.

"Let's talk about something else. How are you and Jared's wedding plans going? He tells me he's been leaving all the planning to you."

With a look of skepticism, I hesitantly reclaim my seat. The black leather sofa is quite comfortable, despite my not wanting to be here.

"Why are you two talking so much?" I make a point to emphasize the word talking.

"Should we discuss something else?" She taps her silver pen on the arm of her chair, awaiting a response.

Sometimes I like her, and other times I despise this bitch. Guess which way I'm feeling today.

"Well, should we? I mean you don't want to talk about your nightmares, and when I try to talk about something else you're not happy about that either so what should we discuss?"

Her head is tilted while her perfect brows frown. It's a curious expression but underneath is something more annoying. More manipulating. I've known her far too long, and I know how she gets me to talk.

"Something else." My wedding plans are none of her business.

"Okay then, let's talk about Mr. Hunts' parole. He's going to be released soon and-"

In The Arms Of Danger [Sequel to Make You Mine]Where stories live. Discover now