Little Miss Rabbit

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Drew glumly sat down and began to eat her choice of: lettuce, two crackers and a cup of water. She eyed Piper to see her eating: TWO whole slices of pizza, a portion of chips, chocolate cake and a chocolate shake. Isn't this torture for her? Drew thought but annoyingly enough, Piper was enjoying it! Gosh Drew thought she is such a fatty!

"Piper hon," Drew began, "can't you see all those calories building up!

"So?" Piper responded.

"Well...we'd all hate it if you got- err how can I put this- BIGGER than you already are!"

"I appreciate your concern but you can carry on eating your rabbit diet, darling!"

Annoyingly enough, Drew actually found herself doing it. Drew knew that she beaten and found herself with her mouth hanging open like a fish.  To make matters worse Jason was right there sitting next to Piper looking at Drew oddly. She quickly fixed her lips and pouted and winked at Jason in the most flattering way ever. It was no wonder that he kept his glance a second too long.

"Jason!" Piper shouted

"Er sorry Pipes." Jason tilted Piper's head to give her an affectionate ki-

"Ahem," Chiron interrupted, "Jason you know the rules; you have to sit on your own table."

"Sorry Chiron." Jason replied. And with that he gave her a peck before Chiron could say anything. Piper shot Drew a warning look. Drew just smirked herself.


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