10-New Rules

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Joe's POV:

When Zoe arrives, I'm still dealing with a little bit of a headache. It isn't the worst hangover in the world, but it's certainly killing my senses today. I looked at my phone to see if I've done anything stupid in the past 24 hours and to my surprise, I haven't really. I come across a clip of me vlogging, apparently too drunk to focus.
"Hey Joe, I heard you are single now." A girl coos in my ear. I'm so confused. Please tell me I didn't kiss her.
"Nah, I have a girlfriend." I say, smiling like a dork thinking about Dianne.
"But you haven't seen her in days." I push her off me gently as I don't want to be in trouble and get a little angry.
"Mind your own business." I leave the girl behind, apologising for that before shutting my camera off.
The next clip I find is of me explaining Dianne.
"That girl is my life. She's beautiful inside and out. Why I ever let her go away from me for even a second is beyond me. I need her back with me." I must have posted it with the caption 'some people are meant to be' and a love-heart eye emoji. 
"She's my world." I say, drunkenly to the camera.
"I love Dianne Buswell. She's my world." I just keep repeating that until the video cuts off. I posted it, with no explanation, at this point too drunk to function.
Then I quickly check my messages, seeing that I've asked Dianne to move back in and not spend another moment away from me. I bet she knows.

Zoe comes in, demanding to know what I know.
"I know that I don't regret anything I did last night." She begins screaming at me.
"Joe, how could you?" I'm confused.
"What do you mean?" I say, calmly.
"Dianne's wondering what the hell happened and you're here saying you don't regret getting off with a girl." She tuts.
"Excuse me?" I ask again.
"That pic of you and that girl. You've got your arm round her. Check out Byron's instagram." I quickly get it up.
"That's Byron's girlfriend Emily! She met us whilst we were out. Dianne knows her." I say, happy for the situation to disperse.
"Well, I think Dianne deserves to know how much you care about her. It's obvious so why shouldn't you?" Zoe's words ring through my mind and I send another message, hoping for a quick response.

A knock on the door that could only be one person's rings through the entire house. I peer through the tiny hole, an array of red forming in it.
"She's here." I whisper to Zoe. Zoe opens the door as Dianne smiles and hugs her. I jump out and she laughs, mumbling that I'm annoying. I notice she only has a handbag with her.
"I'm just here to pop in Joe. I think we need to talk." Zoe leaves us alone, heading into the kitchen as we go to the bedroom.
"I'm not here for anything." She starts, realising the room we're in.
"Oh I know, actually the office might be better." We head there, me shutting the door so the soundproof apparatus actually works if it did get heated.
"Look, I want to live with you again too but tonight I'm having girls night and I have a problem with coming back."
"Name it and I'll change it."
"It's not you, Joe. It's just, I'm always tired when I'm here."
"We can move." I'm aware I sound desperate, but I don't want to lose the best thing that's happened to me.
"No it isn't that. I just want the media to stop. I think we need some new rules regarding our relationship." I nod, leaning towards her.
"Anything you want." I reply.
"Can we just take it slow? Like with the media. It's overwhelming for me. So like maybe not care so much about the rumours and not answer to them. There's just lots of things I wish I could change and I know I agreed to this when I became a part of your life but I don't know. I guess it's the self-doubt thing again." She sighs, almost making me cry. Her eyes are so watery and I just want to make it all better.
"We're not having you like this Dianne. You're the most talented amazing person and I want you to realise that. I'm going to do whatever it takes to help you see that. It's like that other video again. Please don't think that about yourself." She just moves into me, silently crying.
"We're going to get through this, baby."

A/N: 2.5 freaking Ks! You guys are unreal! Thank you all so much.

So I wrote this chapter after the 'engagement' rumours. There was a lot of speculation on Dianne's feelings and I was like why not make it into a storyline?
So I am actually working on another fanfic right now but... it probably won't be out for a while.
Also there was no update yesterday as I was ill and asleep for most of the day.
Other than that though, I think I've covered everything.

Thank you all again! Can't believe how amazing you lot are x

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