15-Ocean eyes

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Dianne's POV:

After last night, I'm so thankful for Joe. He's been there for me through everything. What did I ever do to deserve him?
Yes, I may have got a little drunk, but overall it was worth it.
"Joseph." I sing-say, trying to get his attention.
"What was that?" He laughs at my wailing attempt which sounded more like a screech.
"Just wanted to tell you I love you. And thank you for last night. I had the best time." He smiles.
"The fun doesn't end there." I raise an eyebrow.
"No?" He smiles again.
"Nope. We're going somewhere today." I squeal a little in excitement, but as I realise it's early, I calm down.
"Not right now though. I want to cuddle." He pulls me closer so my head falls to his chest. In this moment, all my doubt fades away and I'm momentarily confused about my previous feelings.

We eventually get up, reluctantly and I'm excited to see where we're going.
"Babe, are you ready?" Joe shouts.
"Yep." I say at the same time as he shouts back.
"Nope." He laughs.
"Come on then, Dianne." He laughs as I come down the stairs and sit on them.
"Are you ready now?" I carry on putting my shoes on.
"I already told you I was."
"And yet you wasn't." I finish tying my shoelaces and look up.
"Honestly this is quality footage." He says, clearly wishing he had his camera with him.
"Proper little domestic." He mutters to himself.
"Hey, you said take my time!" He comes over and gently hugs me.
"We have an adventure planned." I shake my head.
"You have an adventure planned. I'm just coming along."
"I think we can share." He quickly kisses me, letting my confusion get the better of me.

"Joe! Are we going to where I think we're going?" He shakes his head.
"Maybe later." I sigh, still excited.
"Okay so I lied. This isn't for us. Well, it is. But Bella's mother actually told me about hers and Jasmine's dance school- you know the girl from the hospital. Said it would mean a lot if you could check it out with me. So I booked this as a surprise before the real surprise if you know what I mean." I smile. Joe's melting my heart because of what he's set up. I remember being a little dancer, hoping to meet the big names in ballroom. Maybe I can impact these kids. Even though I'm not the most well-known, a-list ballroom dancer, I've got to start admitting that maybe I am special.
"Where are we going then?"
"Dancebuzz." I've heard about that one and I'm so excited already. The whole way there I'm like an excitable puppy.

We finish up with the kids and I've never been more happy. These kids are adorable and so talented. I don't understand where it's all coming from. I wasn't that advanced at that age.
"Now time for your other surprise."
"Another one? Joseph Sugg, you're spoiling me."
"Just follow me." He leads me along, his hand attached with mine, never leaving it.
"There's two parts to this one." He announces as we turn a corner.
"Oh yeah?" He smiles. I can sense it in his eyes.
"Here we are!" He sounds so proud and when I look up I can't believe it.
"The theatre cafe! I can't believe it! I've always wanted to come here." I tell him truthfully.
"Well now you can."

"I'm glad it's you I'm experiencing this with." I say as I take it all in. So many big names in musicals. It's one of my favourite weeks on Strictly and being brought here just shows me how much we both deeply care for each other.
"I'm so glad we decided to take a risk and go for it. Pursue this relationship. We wouldn't be here if you'd chosen to walk out on me after that dreadful talk." I smile, thinking about how different it could've gone. I'm so happy it turned out like this.
"Actually, I think it was the beginning of us."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean even though I've always been attracted to you and your ocean eyes particularly, I think I finally fully connected with you when we had that talk. It was closure in a new way."
"I never thought about it like that." I giggle.
"I'm funny like that." He chuckles at that.
"You're beautiful, you know that? That's what you are." I blush something fierce.
"You're handsome."
"I'm being serious Dianne." He says, equally blushing.
"I'm being more serious than you." I say, laughing at how funny we must sound to any onlookers.
"And I'm taking you to watch The Lion King!" He says back, a little louder.
"You what?" I ask, my eyes glimmering from excitement.
"We're going to watch it because a very special redhead in a onesie once told me that would be a dream show to watch. I listened. So that's my other surprise to you." He says, half bowing as we stand to leave.
"I love you." I tell him.
"I love you more."
"That is not possible."
"Somehow, it is." He keeps fighting with me about this but I'm going to win.
"Infinity And forever put together. Then some." He says, laughing at us.
"I still win." I pout.
"Okay. Only because you're cute."
"Why, thank you."

A/N: This update is late...sorry. I didn't upload yesterday because coursework is the burden of my life. Well, that and I was working on my new fanfic!
Anyway, DanceBuzz is actually in London and I chose it because it correlates with Dianne's last name kinda.
And also, only two chapters left!
Thank you again for all the support. I know I keep saying it but I do really appreciate every vote and comment I receive.
My other fanfic is All I'll Ever Be And it's almost at 3K so it would mean a lot to get it there if ya fancy reading it!
Big things are coming up in my fanfic future, I tell ya and this update is very long so I'm going to leave it here now...
Cheers to that! x

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