Chapter 8 : A date with the Sitri heiress

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"Ah, nothing beat an excellent dinner after a good training session." Mordred sighed happily after she had devoured her meal.

"I told you that my father is as good of a cook as myself, sis." Y/N replied with a smirk.

"Sorry that I doubted you, little bro. So how about another training session before we go to bed?" Mordred asked.

"Sorry but I can't Mordred, I need to wake up early tomorrow." Y/N replied with an apologetic smile, drawing the attention of his parents.

'Y/N refusing to train, that's a first. He never refused to train or learn be it from me/saber, Illya or Rin.' Both Artoria and Shirou thought.

"Why?" Mordred whined.

"I have a date tomorrow, it wouldn't be proper if I came late because I overslept." Y/N explained.

"You have a date? You never had gone on one before." Shirou asked. He was clearly surprised by his son reason remembering that back before the sixth Holy Grail war he never had shown any interest for any kidding of romantic relationship.

"Yes I do have a date, it's actually the second date I'm going to, the first one ended with a dead fallen angel so it wasn't that great." Y/N responded.

"So with who are you going on a date, tomorrow? My sister or someone else from Kuoh Academy?" Kuroka asked in a playful tone.

"I'm going on a date with Sona Shitori, the president of the students council and one of the two devil heiress present at Kuoh, her real family name is Sitri." Y/N started. "I know you don't mind me dating your younger sister but it seems as though you're hopping that I will do it." Y/N continued.

"Well as I told you previously, the nekoshou are extremely rare and could be considered an endangered specie, so I do not mind in the slightest if you date my sister because I know that you wouldn't betray or hurt her." Kuroka spoke. "Or you could date the two of us, I don't mind that as well." Kuroka quickly added with lustful tone.

"Well then, we need to make sure you're presentable tomorrow morning before you go on your date since it would be improper and disrespectful otherwise." Artoria spoke disregarding Kuroka's last comment.


It was now Saturday, Y/N had left a few minutes ago to go to his date, and Mordred was preparing herself to leave their house while wearing non-skimpy clothes, for once, when she was stopped by Artoria.

"You're going to follow your brother during his date, aren't you?" Artoria asked Mordred from behind her back.

"Father?! It's not what it's look like, it's just that..." Mordred stated as she turned around to face Artoria.

"There's no need to apologize or hide it Mordred, I know you're worried about your brother, even if won't admit it, so there is no reason for me to berate you about this. I just ask you to avoid ruining your brother's date." Artoria spoke with a smile.

"That wasn't my goal, but yeah I'm kind of worried about Y/N." Mordred stated while looking away with an embarrassed blush.

"I know Mordred. Be back before dinner" Artoria spoke, internally amused at her first child embarrassment.

"I will." Mordred said as she left, to stalk, to make sure nothing happened to her little brother.


Y/N now stood in front of the small cafe him and Sona had agreed to meet. He had arrived ten minutes before eleven in the morning, the time they agreed to meet, and he was waiting for Sona. His outfit consisted of a black vest worn on top of a dark blue shirt and black pants and shoes.

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