Chapter Ten

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Soul's POV - 

It's been almost a year now. I finally completed that mission from like ten months ago, and since Maka's disappearance, I haven't had another Meister. I guess that my love for Maka will never go away. My heart still aches whenever I see the stray left over Missing posters of her, and I guess there will always be that little part of me that even super glue won't fix. 

Luckily, I pass the year without having to redo it, and I think that if Maka could see me now, she would be proud of me. Crona and Yuno did well, but unfortunately Yuno died in a mission around three months ago. It was a sad occasion, because during the short time that Yuno and Crona where partners, they had gotten close. 

I now sit in Ms.Maries class, sitting next to Ox. After Maka disappeared, Ox got moved down to her old seat, and his old one was left ajar. But I guess that's okay. Even though I said I would forget all about Maka, I can't help but stare at the writing written all over my portion of the desk. All over, its says 'Maka' or 'Albarn.'  I sigh. I guess some things weren't meant to be forgotten. After a while of listening to the teacher, I grow bored and drift off to sleep, right in the middle of class.

Maka's POV - 

I dig my feet in to the ground using my blades, keeping myself still. The kishin I've been fighting for about who knows how long comes at me, and I lunge forward. I bring both my arms up to deflect the blow, making sure the sharp parts are facing out, so when I block this stupid arse, I will also cut him. The kishins neck makes contact with my right arm, and barely misses a severed head.


I say in frustration. How long is it going to take to kill this guy! I flip in the air and land on the ground, blades protruding from every point of my body possible. If the kishin tries to even touch me, he's as good as dead. I hear the kishin come at me, and I jump into the air. He comes at me, but at the last second, I dodge his blow and slit his throat with my right blade. The kishin falls, and I land on the ground. 

I see the soul floating in midair, and grab it. I stuff it in my pocket and walk away from the fight scene. I'm on the outskirts of Italy, and have just defeated a kishin. In the past eight months or so, I've managed to highten my star level to two. I'm only one kishin away from level three. Sometimes I remember what it's like to have a weapon, but then remember that I am my own weapon, that I got this far all by myself, without a guy.

I walk down the dirt road, my bargo-boots scraping the dust around me. I've ditched my old look in favor of a new one. Nowadays, I wear jeans and leather jackets, I ditched my old boots in exhcange for cargo boots, and I haven't worn my hair up in a while. Under the leather jacket I'm wearing I wear a hoodie, and I pull it over my head. The wind blows as I walk away from the fight scene, and I think its safe to say that I didn't need Soul; I never did, and even though I may still love him, he doesn't need me. If he did, He would have come after me. 

When I reach the town of Italy, I walk towards the little coffee shop. Outside, waiting for me, is Kazuto. His hair has grown longer, and I can now tell that he's gotten a lip piercing and an eyebrow piercing.


He calls over, and I run towards him. He crushes me in a bone breaking hug and sets me down, prompting for me to sit in the seat opposite him. Kazuto and I have started seeing eachother again, but only as friends.

"So," I start.

"How're things at your place?"  "

Oh yeah, good, great. Finally found someone who I can resonate with. Her names Naomi."

"Oh that's so great! I feel happy for you!"

I saym happy he finally found someone who had a compatible soul.

"How about you? How's your side of the tree?"

He asks.

"Yeah. Same old, I guess. Just got back from another mission. I'll tell you right now, that last kishins a bastard. Oh, that reminds me. Here."

I reach into my pocket and pull out a red kishin soul. I watch playfully as Kazuto's smile widens. 

"Oh wow, thanks!"

Kazuto says and gulps it down gratefully.

"I needed that. So, how are your levels so far, Maka?"

Kazuto questions me, eyebrows raised. I smirk a bit. He's not gonna believe this.  

"Well, I'm only one kishin away from becoming a Three Star Meister."

I say, showing my teeth.

"Really! Wow-ee, Maka thats great!"

Kazuto says, a little too much enthusiasm in his voice. I laugh. Always the joker that one.

"It's not that great." I say, smiling a bit.

"Maka, that's great."


"How are your levels going, Kazuto?"

I ask him,

"Well, to be honest, we havent goetten very far, but we're halfway through level two." He says.

"Hey, that's good, you're making progress."

Kazuto smiles.

"Thanks, Maka." 

We chat for alittle bit longer, talking about old stuff and how our new lives are going. I'm just glad that when I went solo, Kazuto didn't go all sour and judgemental on me thinking I used him, because I didn't.  After a while it starts to get dark, and I tell him I've got to get back to the inn I'm staying at, or they'll give away the key. Bastards. 

I start to walk back to the inn, and make my way up to the counter, checking my key in. I walk up to the second floor - where my room is - and unlock the door to room 108. I walk in and dump all my clothes on the floor, getting into my Pajamas. I don't even bother to take a shower. I just hop into bed and fall asleep within a blink of an eye.

Soul's POV - 

School had finally ended, and I was now up at two in the morning thinking about life. About anything, really. I guess half the reason is because I can't sleep, the other is because I'm too scared to sleep. I wonder why Maka left... The mention of Maka still makes my heart hurt, so I think of something else. Crona has a new partner now, and this time, it's a guy. His name is Akihiro, and he's a bow and arrow. I don't know why Crona would be okay with such a weapon, but she is. 

Kid and Crona started going out, but that soon ended quickly after Crona met Akihiro, and Kid got jealous. Of course, now they're still friends, but there will always be that one percent awkwardness between them. I just pretend it isn't there. Tsubaki and Black*Star are still partners, although Black*Star has got his eye on a new weapon. I don't even know why. Almost everyone in school wants Tsubaki as a weapon. 

I sigh and turn on my side, closing my eyes, but not quite falling asleep. 

Maka... I may have moved on, but I still miss you... 

Run Away, But I Won't Follow [Soma Fanfic Soul X Maka]Where stories live. Discover now