Chapter Six

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Soul's POV - 

It's been two weeks. Two whole weeks. Maka's disappeared out of thin air, and I honestly have no idea where she's gone. Lord Death set out a search party days ago, and There are fliers of 'Missing Girl' plastered everywhere throughout Death City. When Death Scythe found out, he obviously blamed me and started shouting profanities like he wasn't in Lord Death's waiting room. 

Right now, I don't know how I'm doing. I guess I'm doing alright, but when I heard that Maka had gone missing for real, I broke. Then, I realized that I had never confessed my feelings for her, and I probably never will. This is all my fault.

I'm currently stuck in Ms.Maries class, waiting for when class ends so I can go to lunch. To say the least, I'm not hanging out with the group anymore. It's just not the same without Maka. Maka, to me, was the life of the party, and now, she's gone. Its like I'm standing in the middle of a dance floor, but there's no music, and all I do is stand there...

The bell rings and I walk to the lockers. My locker is in he right wing corridor, but I'm not headed there. Instead, I'm headed to the left Wing, where Maka's Locker is. I stand there, just for a moment, tears almost burning my eyelids. And, then I move on. I walk to the cafeteria, and sit at the back, away from everything and everyone. I feel isolated, and definetly not cool. It's almost as though when Maka left, she took all my cool with her. 


Tsubaki says as she sits next to me, even though she knows I don't feel like interacting.

"What's up?"

She says, and that just kills me inside. Those two words are what started the whole thing, and look where it got me. I look away.

"Oh, sorry!"

Tsubaki says instantly, realizing what she just said.

"It's fine. Leave it."

I say, standing up and going towards the entrance/exit of the school. I walk down and make my way out of the front gates. 

When I look behind me, I see that Tsubaki hasn't followed me. Good. I start running, pushing through trashcans and past people, running and running, and RUNNING. I finally stop, and when I look up, I see a peice of paper stapled to a nearby ectricity pole. When I look closely, I see that it is one of our "Missing Maka" posters, and I tear it down in anger. I colapse to the ground, clutching the paper with Maka's smiling face on it. Suddenly, I burst into tears. This is so not cool, I think, but continue to cry. 

Maka... Is... Gone.. 

Hi guys! So I've decided to be a bit mean and leave it there. Look's like you're not going to find out what happened to Maka for quite some time (which is probs like a day or two) XD Haha, anyways, hope you liked it, and that I'm not rushing it too much! haha love you guys, how about we try and get at least five reads for the next chap up aye!?? Ok, bye!  - Touka

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