Chapter Seventeen

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Okay so I thought maybe I would give you a music playlist for this one ;) Idk why but here you go -

La La La - Sam Smith 

Shawn Mendes - Life Of The Party 

Halo - Beyonce 

I'm Not The Only One - Sam Smith

Soul's POV - 

 - Cruel reality. Nothing more.

"God damnit!"

I yell. I push all the papers off of my desk, scattering them across my bedroom floor. I look down at the papers. I realize they're all of my music sheets. I peer at one of the titles; 'When you were gone.' Then another one; 'Where could you be?' I grasp the side of my desk tightly. All these titles remind me of Maka. I need to break something. I feel my blood boil.

"Damnit, Maka! Why did you have to leave?"

My right arm turns into a scythe, and I hack at the floor, over and over again. Why? This, Soul, is why you don't fall in love with your meister. 

I'm going insane.

Maka's POV -

I know I lied. But... But, I wasn't  ready to reveal myself. To be honest, I don't know why I decided to reveal that much information in the first place. But, it's all out there now. Too late to take it back. I'm now once again back in the gym, punching and kicking a bag. I haven't been here in ages, I know. My forehead is covered in sweat and my breathing is ragged. Adrenaline is pumping through my body as my skin makes contact everytime. You're pretty screwed now, Maka. Soul probably hates Aika now. Oh well. 

I let my anger out on the punching bag, not paying attention to anyone or anything. It's just the punching bag; And me. I'm up to my one hundreth and ninety ninth punch when I'm approached by a boy with blond hair and light teal eyes. He reminds me of Kazuto.

"Hi. Aika. Right?" He asks. I continue to punch as I say,

"Yea. Whadda ya want?"

"My name's Hiro. And I know who you are." 

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