001 ― Small Coincidences

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1941 New York
"I've got a few moves you'll like. .-"

Katherine Moretti stood on the grounds of New York with her best friend, Howard Stark. He was hosting an expo to show off some new invention he made which Katherine was sure was going to fail, but it was her last night here with Howard before she had to go to New Jersey with the SSR; they were bringing in recruits to see who would be injected with the super-soldier serum Dr. Erskine was working on. They would be putting the recruits through a series of tests and obstacles throughout the week to see who was the best suited to be a super-soldier and lead the United States Army in defeating Hilter and the Axis powers. Katherine was more than happy to stay on the sidelines and bark orders at the recruits, she knew her father was working with HYDRA, and she didn't want to be anywhere near the battlefield.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark!" The announcer's voice came over the PA system. Katherine was already standing in the crowd, and she didn't notice when Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers, two best friends who were on a double-date, came right up behind her in the crowd. Howard came on the stage and tipped his hat before taking it off, and Katherine watched as he draped his arm around the woman who announced him, and then he kissed her. That made her roll her eyes.

"I'm not even surprised," Katherine muttered to herself. Bucky heard her and laughed a little, which made her turn around. "I didn't think anyone was that close to me." She said.

"My apologies, I was just thinking a girl like you is too pretty to be jealous about Howard Stark kissing another girl," Bucky said, and Katherine tried hard to hold back her laughter because she didn't want to be rude, but she couldn't help it, she started laughing.

"Me? Jealous? Of Howard kissing someone? God, no." Katherine said as she was now a fit of laughter, but then she noticed Bucky was in uniform, and she wondered if she would be seeing him soon. "Howard is like an idiot older brother. What's your name, soldier?" She asked.

"James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky." He said, and she nodded her head.

"I'm Katherine." She said, and then Bucky slung his arm around Steve and pulled him forward. When Steve looked up at Katherine, he was awestruck. He had seen plenty of beautiful women before but not like her.

"This is Steve Rogers; he's like an idiot brother," Bucky repeated what Katherine said about Howard, which made the brunette laugh.

"You're the idiot brother." Steve retorted back, which made Katherine laugh more.

"It's nice to meet you, Steve; I'm Katherine." She said. She thought he was handsome, but she noticed he was very frail; she knew he probably wouldn't be recruited to join the military efforts, even if he wanted to be.

"You... uh, yeah, you, uh, too..." Steve mentally cursed himself for getting clammed up when trying to talk to her. Steve's never been good at talking to women, especially women who are as beautiful as Katherine. However, he's sure out of all the women he's seen.

None of them have been as beautiful as Katherine.

Katherine only smiled at him before she turned back to the stage when Howard started talking. "Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won't even have to touch the ground at all?" Howard said. Everyone in the crow gasped while Katherine rolled her eyes. She knew this is what Howard had been working on, but she had no idea if it would actually work. "With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology, you'll be able to do just that." He said.

"Oh, god," Katherine said, which made Bucky laugh from behind her. The ladies on stage who were assisting him took the wheels off of the tires. Howard pressed a button on his panel, and the car started to levitate in the air.

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