018 ― Awake Again

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2012 New York City
"Kath...where's... Katherine? Katherine?!"

STEVE ROGERS WOKE UP to the sound of a baseball game playing over the radio.

The only problem was, he recognized the game that was being commentated on because he was there 70 years ago. When he took in his surroundings, he was lying on a small twin-size bed, a ceiling fan above his head, one window in the room, and the style of the room was very much like the 1940s. He thought to himself, had it not been that long since he crashed the plane?

"Kath... where's... Katherine? Katherine!?" He called out. She was immediately the first thought that popped into his head, and he knew that she had to be alive and out there somewhere. The serums that they had were similar, but some had their differences. But the main thing involved was age-slowing. Katherine's serum made her metabolism burn so fast that she wasn't going to age. The way she looked back in the 1940s is exactly how she still looks now.

He slowly got out of bed, his body still slightly aching, as he listened to the game. He knew something was wrong because he again recognized the game was that being played over the radio. Steve looked up when the door opened as a woman came walking through, in a very 40s like outfit. He had no idea what year it was or even where he was. But he was going to find out soon. 


Katherine Moretti was in her apartment that she shared with Natasha Romanoff. Since the two girls are always doing missions, their apartment is really only utilized to sleep, but they still see each other since most of their missions are together. Natasha was currently out, and Katherine was lying in her bed when she got the call that changed her life. 

"Hello?" She asked into her phone. 

"Katherine, you need to get down to SHIELD, now." The voice of Nick Fury rang through the phone.

"Look, Nick, I already told you. I'm not interested in joining your little, what did T call it? Boy band of superheroes or whatever, okay?" Katherine said.

"No, Katherine, it's not about that. Look, what I'm about to say is going to change everything, and I know you're not going to believe me without proof, so get out of bed, get some shoes on, because you're going to want to get down here." Fury said.

"What the hell are you talking about, Nick?" She asked. 

"Steve Rogers's is alive... and he's awake." 


Katherine rushed down to SHIELD as quickly as she could after getting Nick's phone call. Steve's back? She knew Nick was right; she didn't know what to believe. She wouldn't believe Steve was alive without proof. But she also knows that Fury would never lie to her about something like this. Even he's not that cruel. 

Inside the building, Steve was still trying to figure out where he was, and a SHIELD agent walked through the door. "Good morning." The agent said as she closed the door behind her, and then she checked her watch. "Or should I say afternoon?" She said.

"Where am I?" Steve asked.

"You're in a recovery room in New York City." She said. Steve looked around the room as he listened to the game, and then he turned back to the Agent.

"Where am I really? Where is Katherine?" Steve asked. The Agent knew who he was talking about, and she knew that Katherine was here, but Fury and Katherine both wanted the news to slowly be broken to Steve that it was 70 years later.

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