012 ― Arrival

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1970Wheaton, New Jersey
"Hi baby, T... I'm going to love you for the rest of my life."

KATHERINE MORETTI walked into her office at S.H.I.E.L.D. with a heavy sigh.

She sat down at her seat and looked over at the picture that had a way of keeping her calm and making her sad all at the same time. The picture of Steve before he was injected with the Super Soldier Serum. The picture that's been sitting on her desk for the last 20 years. Then the tears came to her eyes—Katherine was having an awful day when it came to missing Steve, and she was in one of her low moments where it was suffocating her that he was gone.

Peggy came walking into her office, which made her wipe her tears, and she stood up.

"Hey, what's going on?" Katherine asked.

"Howard's looking for you... but, are you okay?" Peggy said. Katherine frowned while shaking her head, wiping her eyes again to prevent tears from coming back.

"Maria's supposed to give birth today." She whispered.

"Is that a bad thing?" Peggy asked.

"No, no... of course not. I'm so happy for her and Howard, and I already love Tony so much, and I'm so honored to be his godmother, but so many times... I wanted this, with Steve." She said, looking down. She knew it was selfish to think like that, but it just hit her really hard today that she was never going to be able to have a family of her own.

Peggy frowned and stepped up to her friend before taking her hands. "I know, and I'm so sorry that it happened to you, Kat. But you're going to get through it. I know Anthony won't be your son, but I do know one thing." She said.

"What's that?" Katherine asked, using one of her hands to wipe her eyes, but keeping her other hand in Peggy's.

"I know that boy is going to love you, with all of his heart and more. And you're going to love him, with everything in you. He got lucky scoring you for a godmother." Peggy said, which made her smile.

"I'm a mess, Peggs..." Katherine whispered, laughing a little, through her tears. Peggy brought her free hand up and wiped Katherine's eyes, and she smiled at her best friend.

"You are a mess, but that's okay. We all have our messes, and we love each other through them." Peggy said. Katherine immediately wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her tightly. Peggy smiled while returning the hug, knowing that it was something that Katherine needed.

"Thanks for sticking with me through my mess," Katherine whispered to her. The two of them stepped back from their hug and shared a smile.

"Your mess is my mess. You are my mess, Katherine Moretti." Peggy said, which made both girls laugh as they started to walk out of her office.

"Oh, how I love you, Margaret Carter."

"Your wife is about to give birth to your son... and all you got her was flowers?" Katherine asked Howard as they were walking out to meet Jarvis in the car. Howard held a bouquet of white and purple flowers in his hands, and he looked at his best friend.

"Oh, come on, Kat... what's wrong with flowers?" He asked.

"You do understand what's about to happen, right? You put a baby in her; she's about to push it out of her. You could do better than flowers." She said, and Howard rolled his eyes.

"What has you all grumpy?" He asked as he opened her door for her before Jarvis opened his door for him. When they were all assembled in the car, Katherine looked at Jarvis.

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