Chapter 8

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Night fall came so quick. I didn't want to leave the vacant apartment but I had to so I can find some food and water. I'm hungry, cold, and dehydrated. I thought I could make it till tomorrow but seems like my body wants it now. I have the urge to rob anyone just for food and water.

I walked the streets off Manhattan looking around. Some people had food in their hands. Some threw some good ole bag of chips in the trash. Not in front everyone. I told myself. I made my way away from people who was having a good time and went the Ally way.

I can see people in line waiting for something. I walk to the line then peep my head out seeing a security guard letting people in.

"Umm, sweetheart. You need to go to the end of the line"some bitch told me. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "Bitch don't roll your eyes at me!!"she yelled this time.

"There's only one bitch here. And that's you"I said then smiled. She was about to lose it but he friends stop her. I walked across the street from the club watching how it lit up. Some men was so excited going in there. Others was a bit scared to go in there. But why though?

"Man I can't do this"I heard a dude behind me say.

"Why? Come on, this man have money. We need this for college and you bitching out already"the other dude say. I didn't turn around to see what they look like. All I want to know, where is the money.

"What if he kills us?"the 1st dude ask.

"He won't. I got this"the 2nd dude said. I turn around and seen the gun in his hands. When I looked at them, they wasn't my age nor looked to be in college. What if I help them and split the money?

"Y'all don't have to kill no one. I can go in there and get it"I said to them.

"Hell no. No crackhead ain't helping us steal money then gone keep it for herself"the 2nd dude said.

"Do you want the money or not?"I ask. The 1st dude looked at the 2nd dude.

"Alright, go get the money and come back. If you don't, I'ma hunt you down and kill you"the 2nd dude said. I rolled my eyes at him and went back across the street. I really thought they was gone come with me. I don't know where I'm going. Do I have to go inside or find a way outside the club?

I looked around the club and found a door in the back. I open it and went inside. The music was blasting. I cover my ears a bit then close my eyes. "Focus noelani"I mumble. I made my way to the club seeing girls dancing in front men, some serving men drinks and food. What kind of club is this?

I look around but didn't see anything that actually looks like an office. "What I got myself into?"I walked around being seen by the females that worked there. Then that's when I saw it. The office.

It was way in the back where no one couldn't see it but I did. I made my quickly as possible to the office then close the door. I locked it so no one can walk in on me stealing money. This can be my big break. I won't be hungry anymore, I can buy myself some clothes, and who knows probably a apartment.

I looked around the office and didn't see no safe. I walk to the corner of the room removing this cover from a chair. "Holy shit"I said. The bag full of money was wide open. This is all for me. Fuck them little niggas. They need to focus on school.

I grabbed the bag putting it on my shoulders. Damn it was heavy but worth it. I slowly made my way to the door opening it. No one was in sight. I'm really sneaking away with a bag full of money. I tip toed all the way to where I first started. The girls still looked at me but didn't do shit. I speed walk to the back door and exit out.

"That was so easy"

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