Chapter 18

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After the little confrontation between me and Dave, I laid back down in bed looking at the tv

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After the little confrontation between me and Dave, I laid back down in bed looking at the tv. I kept thinking about my mom. What if she's alive? What if she's wondering the streets looking for a place to live? I have to find her.

"Yo lani"Dave busted into the room. I jumped a bit thinking that he might kill me right here, right now. "Why you jumping?"he narrowed his eyebrows.

"Why you bust in the room like that!?"I yelled covering my chest.

"Get dress. Your first job begins tonight"Dave said.

"Where is the clothes?"I ask. He look over at the closet.

"Go pick"he walked to the door then stop. "Dress sexy. Make an appearance"he walked completely out the room shutting the door.

I look at the closet then sigh. I walk to the closet turning the light on. I look in the closet seeing clothes. Did he buy these clothes when I was sleep? I picked out a black dress with red bottoms. A channel purse with black gloves and a hat. I can dress how I want. I don't have to wear the same clothes anymore.

I showering for the first time and I finally was wearing the sexy ass dress that had my boobs popping out. I was banging hot. But my hair was kind of looking a mess. That's why I needed this hat. I place the hat on my head and smiled.

"Lani!! Let's go!!"I heard dave yelled out. I rolled my eyes making my way down the stairs of the house. The sound of the heels reminded me of the foster care lady that would walk up and down the halls. I stop walking looking down at the heels. "Damn"I look up staring at Dave who had a tuxedo on.

"Damn what?"I mumble.

"You look good"he said.

"Where we going? What's my first job?"I ask trying not to blush at what he said.

"Where going to this fancy restaurant that is actually a hotel"Dave said. "Ima explain everything once we get there"he grabbed some key that said RR. I followed him out the house seeing this gray long car parked in front us. "Get in"

I hop in the back with him looking around at the interior of the car. "Wow"I mumble.

"You like it"he smiled.

"Shit fancy"I said.

"Alright. Y'all know the location"Dave told the driver. "Lani....."

"Noelani"I corrected him.

"I call you what I want. I own you now"he looked deep into my eyes. "Understand"


We pull up to the restaurant/hotel. It was alright outside but I never been this way in New York. This was like the rich people side. Somewhere I never go to.

"Now the plan is we go in there as a couple. Of course a lot of people gone ask you questions. Come up with a lie about your life, don't tell them that you was homeless"

"I know that"I rolled my eyes.

"Okay then miss know it all"—"There's a man in there name mister big. He's fat as hell, he loves to talk his ass off"

"Once he gets the talking to you, I will take off somewhere"I said.

"You got it. There's a room. It's on the 4th floor, room 203"dave looked out the window.

"A safe?"I ask.

"No. He keep it out. Probably in a bag or some shit"Dave said.

"What's up with the bags? So easy to steal"I chuckle.

"You ready?"dave looked at me.

"Let's do this"I grabbed his suit pulling him close to me. "Don't get me killed"

"I won't babygirl"he smiled showing his pretty smile. I let go his suit pushing him away from me. He hop out the car closing the door.

What I got myself into?

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