Chapter 9

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"Hey big bro!!"Diana hop in my Mercedes Benz hugging me tight. I moved a bit so I can catch some air and breath. "You don't miss me?"she ask.

"I do but I just want to know, why you down here? What's going on?"I ask her pulling off from the airport.

"I needed a break from everyone. Specially my boyfriend with his disgusting ass"she rolled her eyes. "But what about you, found a bitch that I can whoop yet"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "No"I shook my head. We pulled up to my club that was lit outside and inside. Reason why it was lit outside. Cause the line was so long. I know I'm bout to make up some money.

"I thought music was your thing?"Dianna ask.

"It is. Just wanted to invest my money into something"--"Make more money I guess"

"Mhmmm, by owning a club"Dianna said.

"And I bet I make more then you"I chuckled. She smack my arms real hard and hop out the suv. I turn my truck off and hop out getting some love from the crowd. I waved at them and smiled then walk inside seeing my girls making their money.

"What is this?! A damn strip club!"Dianna yelled since it was to loud in the club.

"No"I walked away from her to my hiding spot. My office. No one ever comes back here unless it's to discuss about money. I walked in my office but then stop when I saw the jacket on the floor and my bag missing. The bag had at least 330k of cash in there. Now it's gone.

Somebody dying tonight.


"I am so proud of everyone in this room tonight"I smiled. Everybody clapped their hands cheering. It was 4am and I know everybody is tired. But one of these mother fuckers is about to die. "Give it up for y'all"I gave them a round of applause.

"You know, I never saw myself this successful. I want to thank my mother and father for creating me"I laugh with them. They all laugh with me and smiled. Bunch of fake ass smiles.

"Now, I also wanted to say is. I went in my office today"I stop and bit my bottom lip. "And I found out that my FUCKING BAG FULL OF CASH IS GONE!!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Wait someone found out about yo office?"one of the girls ask.

"You know who did it?"I ask her.

"No, all of us was working. Do you have cameras?"she ask.

I sigh heavily cussing myself out for not installing cameras. "No"Dianna bust out laughing shaking her head. All of my workers was upset cause maybe that was they cut. They money.

One of the girls raised her hands. I looked at her and nod my head towards her. "What is it?"

"I saw who took it"she said. "It was a black girl with a white shirt and black rip jeans and boots"


"She had braids in her hair like faux locs, long ones. Mocha skin with puffy red lips. She looked at me and walked around the club till she went to the back"the girl said while shaking. "I'm sorry sir, I could of done something instead of shaking my ass in front of altrez face"she cried.

"Altrez was here?"I ask. She nodded her head. "Better be lucky he was, how much he gave?"

"50k"she said. "It's in the dressing room"

"Well, I'ma just have to split your money with everyone else"I said. "Y'all leave and come back around 5 in the evening"they all nod their heads and walked away from me.

"What you want to do?"my guard ask me.

"Find this bitch and bring her to me"

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