P6- the perfect crime

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For every '*', there will be info at the bottom of the page about if you don't know what it means

"Moo young-ssi"*
"Ssi? Moo young... ssi? Are you addressing me as an equal or are my ears blocked?"
"Shut up you little toad and answer my question"
"T- toad? What toad!?"
"Moo young... sunbae"*
"Sunbae who?
"For gods sake, moo young sunbaenim!"*
"Yes hoobae?"*
"Hoobae my ass... anyway, I want to meet your parents."
"Wow, you're just... so outright about that. Weird... anyway I won't let them meet you unless I can see your house"
The offer is tempting to fei hung but she doesn't know if it'll mess up the later stages of her plan, or give moo young a lead in his detective work
"Forget it then. Go to school you pig"
"Really!? First a toad and now a pig? You're so mean to me!"
"You haven't left yet"
"Seriously... ok fine! I'm going..."
Fei hung waited at the end of the field until he'd definitely gotten inside the building then ran as fast as she could to moo Young's house. She approached the door cautiously and got ready to knock. She hesitated, but as she was about to knock, the door swung open. It was detective Kim. Fei hung bowed immediately
"Oh! Father, I'm sorry"* (see bottom of page for info)
"Ah, it's ok, who are you?"
"I'm a friend of moo Young's, I came by to meet you"
"Oh, how very thoughtful, please, come in."
"Thank you"
They sit down together and talk about detective work. Fei hung needs to get an idea of how he does his job
"So... does moo young happen to have a mother?"
"Ah, yes. We divorced long ago, but moo young is visiting her this weekend, after school today. Why don't you go with him?"
"If he doesn't mind. Thank you, father, I'll be sure to come back often"
Fei hung smiled and they bowed to each other as she left.
'Damn' she thought 'they're alive. I knew it. Faze 2 will be difficult."

Fei hung waited all day in the field for school to end for moo young. When it did she stood up eagerly when she saw moo young approaching her from the other side.
"Moo young!"
"Why are you so happy to meet me?"
"Because you're my friend, I'm going with you to see your mum!"
"Says who you little piece of gum!"
"Me, you toad"
"Sticky gum"
"Slimy toad"
"Fine, but on the condition that I get to see your house."
Fei hung gulped. She didn't want the final faze to happen so soon... if he dies with both of his parents alive and fei hung being unharmed, it will raise suspicion, especially since his dad is the legendary detective Kim. He has no unsolved cases, so the sooner he dies, the better. It's better to risk it now than later, she might not get another chance to meet ms. Kim again.
"Fine. Give me a week."
"Yes! Ok, you can come"

They arrived at ms. Kim's house. It was a small house, all white with big windows and one floor. Moo young knocked on the door. It swung open and ms. Kim hugged moo young as soon as she saw him
"Moo youngie! I missed you"
"Ok, mum, I get it aha"
He laughed nervously and tried to push her off gently
"Mum, this is my friend, fei hung."
"Oh, hello"
She bowed politely and so did fei hung in return
"Hello, mother"* (also related to the info at the bottom of the page)
She invited them in and they spoke until nighttime. It was late, and fei hung had formed a plan in her head to how she will kill ms. Kim. To initiate it she had to pretend to fall asleep, they didn't notice until a few minutes after
"Aigoo, your friend has fallen asleep. She can sleep here for the night, hmm?"
"Yeah, it's better than waking her up. She must've been busy doing... whatever she does."
"Here, I'll give her a blanket, you go to your bedroom, yeah?"
"Ok mum, good night"
"I love you moo youngie"
He closed the door and ms. Kim tucked up fei hung with a blanket. She turned around to go to her bedroom but before she did, fei hung woke up.
"Oh, mother*, sorry I should leave. I don't want to be a nuisance"
Fei hung threw the blanket off and stood up
"Oh no, please stay, you must be tired. I don't mind, you're not being an nuisance"
As she said the fei hung was eyeballing a glass vase near ms. Kim. Fei hung strides over to her, calmly. There was a vase and a bowl on the table, both for decorative purposes. The bowl had large rocks in and some dried oranges and star fruit. Fei hung recognized the flowers in the vase, they were rare ones too.
"These are middlemist chamelias aren't they?"
She smiled, all friendly like
"Yes, I'm surprised you know them! Beautiful aren't they?"
"Very. And these rocks, they have such a uniform yet natural look, where are they from"
Fei hung picked up an especially large rock and bounced it up and down in her hand to gather the sort of weight it had
"Ah those? I collected them especially from a holiday home I own in Spain. That one was a gift from the ahjussi* that ran the beach bar I went to often"
"Oh really?"
Fei tried to act interested, then, in the blink of an eye she threw the rock as hard as she could at the window, the whole thing shattered into pieces
"Oh my!"
Fei then picked up the vase and swung it at ms. Kim's head, she tried to shield herself with her arm but was too slow and her head was hit with such an impact that the vase broke into large shards, ms. Kim fell onto the floor, startled and in pain. Fei hung then picked up a large shard and held it to ms. Kim's throat
"Sorry not sorry"
Fei hung whispered, and with a quick flick ms. Kim's throat was cut, she bled everywhere and her eyes stared at the ceiling, her face was expressionless. Fei then used the shard to add deep cuts to herself and she grabbed another vase, a smaller china one, and smashed it against her own head, she fell to the floor, in pain. Her plan was carried out perfectly. The rock was thrown at the glass so it seemed like an intruder came from the outside, fei hung killed ms. Kim in a way that it would be suspected a child like her could never do, due to the gruesomeness of it then wounded her self so badly that no one would ever suspect that she killed ms. Kim, it was perfect. Fei hung fell to the floor, on top of shards of glass and screamed as loud as she could, in pain.

*writer note*
if you couldn't tell, this is all based in korea, culture and all.
Addressing people:
[name]-ssi: addressing them as an equal i.e. two students in the same year/ grade
Sunbae: someone you look up to or higher in a workplace
Sunbaenim: 'nim' is what you'd put at the end if you respect them or are very high status (like a president)
Hoobae: someone who calls you Sunbae or someone lower in a workplace
In korea, to call someone by their name without being close to them is considered rude, so for older people they say father, mother or ahjumma (female) or ahjussi (male), which basically means elder.
Fun facts with your favourite fag
                                                           Jack <3

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