Chapter 49

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Ice came back to his room after the day's activities was over. The photoshoots at the beach was crazy.

Pink was all over him at the beach. She really had plans for both of them to win best couple but that was never going to happen.

She was so clingy, he literally got pissed through out the shoot.

Other students stayed back at  the beach to catch some fun but he wanted to rest.

Coming back to an empty room sucked. There was nobody to talk to. No one to appreciate his hard work.

It became more obvious how lonely he was and he just wanted to sleep without thinking of it. He took a quick shower and crashed on his bed.

He remembered his short encounter with Mark that morning. Mark must have been scared.

But he was not trying to scare him, just that Mark had gotten more handsome and he felt really jealous that Mark would not have time for him as a friend again.

He had seen a few boys at the beach but no one had what he wanted. They were not good cooks, like Earth, they didn't smell of spinach or cabbage, like Earth...


Was he thinking about Earth. No. Maybe the sun was much today, it affected his head a bit. He grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor in annoyance.

Was he really capable of missing Earth? How did it even happen?

Love? Nah... It can't be. He only wanted the boy for fun.

Fun? He sounded stupid when he thought of that.

Can he let someone else have Earth, even for a second? No he can't! Yes he can. No he can not!

He collapsed back to the bed and shut his eyes tight.


Just then he heard some shuffles under the duvet. He felt warmth in his groins. He could feel a hand or was it a lips grazing his inner thighs. Ice closed his eyes and breathed deeply. It felt warm and serene.

It's been a while and he missed that touch.

He felt a moist lips kiss him all the way from his abdomen up to his neck. He moaned softly.

But who was it?

Ice opened his eyes and rolled the man on top of him over to bed. To his utter shock, the adorable face of Earth glared cutely back at him.


! ! !

Ice gasped and sprang out of bed. He opened his eyes. What the hell was that?

A dream?

He tried to gather his senses together.

It was a dream.

Geez! What the hell? Did he just have an erotic dream about Earth?

He didn't even remember when he dozed off.

He looked down at his boxers. There was a heavy blood flow down there. The feeling was so strong it almost felt like Earth was laying beside him.

He stepped out of the bed. He saw the pillow on the floor. He didn't remember throwing it there either. Maybe he was having a short term memory loss. Probably because of Earth. That asshole, Earth.

Great timing. He walked straight to the


Ice stepped out to the corridor in front of his room to get some air or maybe practice for his show.

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