Chapter 1 - A Day Like Any Other

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“Wake up, Crys.” Crystal heard a very familiar voice calling her.” You don’t want to be late for school.”

“Just another second, Daph.”  Crystal answered sleepily and rolled over to the other side.

Daphne and Crystal Maverick were twins and though they had the same soft violet eyes, the same nose which was a little pointed and the same perfect lips, they did not quite resemble each other. Daphne had light golden hair which was not exactly straight but wavy. Crystal had silver blonde hair which hung down in beautiful curls on her shoulders.

“You know Crys, we are already running late.” Daphne said sitting on the side of the bed.

Crystal groaned and then finally got out of bed.

“I’ll be ready in ten minutes.” She said and dashed to the bathroom.

Sure enough, just like she had said, she was ready in almost ten minutes and both of them went downstairs for breakfast.

They entered the big dining room where they found the rest of the household had already gathered. The Alvarez sisters, Daniela, who was commonly known as Ella, and Katrina (or Kat), were already there. The two Alvarez sisters were so much alike. Both had jet black hair but while Ella’s hair was short and straight, Kat, a year younger than her sister (and the youngest member of the household), had it long with fringes on the forehead. The only striking difference that one could see in them was their eyes. Ella had beautiful blue eyes but Kat’s eyes were brown. Both of them were now sitting at the breakfast table. At the head of the table sat a middle aged man who had dark curly hair and grey eyes. He looked up when Crys and Daph joined the table. 

“Good morning, everyone.” Crystal said. Daphne came and sat beside her.

“Good morning, Uncle D, oops, I mean, Uncle Dorian!” Ella said smiling to the middle-aged man who was now looking at her.

Uncle Dorian was distantly related to the Maverick sisters. He was the sole guardian and the head of the household. He loved the girls like they were his own daughters. He was very strict regarding his rules and curfew limits and did punish everyone who tried to break them. He was Uncle Dorian for everyone but Uncle D for Crys, who was perhaps his favourite and who dared to call him by that name which he very much detested.

“Good morning, Daph.” Kat chimed in her soft musical voice to which Daphne just nodded. She seemed a little distracted.

“You stayed up late again, Crys.” Uncle Dorian said, his tone mildly disapproving.

“Yeah, I guess.” Crystal grinned sheepishly.

“And may I know why?” He had raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, you know this and that. I was feeling oddly lively and so wide awake!” Crys sighed, her erratic sleep patterns confusing her. “I mean, it just felt right, you know – staying awake.”

“Hm.” Uncle Dorian pursed his lips and let the matter go for the moment.

“Hey, did you know that there is an art exhibition at Nelson Square this weekend?” Kat chimed in all of a sudden.

“That’s great!” Ella exclaimed “Why don’t we all go? What do you say, Daph?”

“Eh, what?” It was like she had woken up with a start.

“There’s an art exhibition at Nelson Square this weekend.”

“Oh, sounds interesting.” Daphne said. “I would like to go.”

“What’s the matter, sis?” Crys asked. “Is something bothering you?”

“Nothing much, I guess.” Daph replied. “Well, it’s this dream I had last night. I don’t remember much, just a man and a woman talking. I don’t know who they were.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2012 ⏰

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