Clause VI - Friendship Whisper

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Evangelina awoke from a peaceful sleep. She sat up in her warm and comfortable bed and stared out her window into the cloudy morning sky.

The sun barely began to rise, indicating it was time for Evangelina to begin freshening up for her philosophy class.

She moved her light, fluffy, and bright covers off of her body and rolled out of bed.

Before leaving her room, she walked up to the window and placed her fingertips on the glass.

"...How heavenly," Evangelina whispered to herself as she viewed the soft, pastel morning sky.

Evangelina left her dorm without eating breakfast as she noticed she was going to be late to her first philosophy course of the year.

Evangelina walked through campus admiring the beautiful Roman architecture.

She proceeded into her philosophy class where she was immediately greeted by Benjamin.

"Hey, Evangelina! I didn't know you had this class!" Benjamin said as he walked up to her.

"I didn't know you were in this class either," Evangelina replied with a smile.

Ben was already a great friend and an amazing team member.

Evangelina took a seat next to Ben and her other teammate Lorenzo.

Evangelina sat in the back of the class and recognized a few familiar faces.

Corinna, the girl she saw Ben first fight against when she arrived was sitting in the front in between two other guys.

She saw Genesis, Cameron, and Ferris sitting next to each other in the middle of the class.

"Lorenzo, this is Evangelina. She's our new team member," Ben introduced Evangelina as Lorenzo crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

"... Nice to meet you, Evangelina," Lorenzo said in a monotone voice while continuing to doze off.

"It's nice to meet you too," Evangelina said with a raspy voice, unsure if Lorenzo was sleeping or not.

A fair and short woman with curly blonde hair walked into the room.

"I apologize for the inconvenience but Instructor Agis will be running late," The woman announced as quickly as she left the busy, chat-filled classroom. 

The desks were designed to fit three students per desk and set into three rows.

Evangelina placed her bag on one of the hooks underneath the desk and proceeded to examine the classroom.

Posters of the brain, paintings of divine figures, and charts on different weapons were hung all over the walls.

"So what exactly do you learn in this class?" Evangelina quietly asked as she turned to Benjamin playing games on his phone.

"We learn about the Gods, their meaning and usage of our world and basically all in between. 'What is the meaning of life' bullcrap," Ben explained as he put his phone down.

"Now that we're third-years, we can finally summon them in battle too," Lorenzo explained as he sat up and leaned his elbow against the desk.

"... Run that by me again?" Evangelina said while being taken aback by Lorenzo's words.

"Well, you don't exactly get to summon the Gods themselves, more like their powers aid you in combat during a tournament," Lorenzo explained.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Evangelina asked while putting her hand on her chest.

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