Clause VIII - Symbol of Purity

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"Yo, Evan!" Ben shouted from a distance behind Evangelina.

Evangelina slowly turned around and smiled at Benjamin.

The campus garden was slightly empty that morning due to the cloudy sky.

"Do you think it's going to rain?" Evangelina asked as she slowly looked up at the sky.

"Are you kidding? It never rains here! All we do get is clouds and cold winds... It's a lot more complex than you think," Ben explained, briefly turning away from Evangelina.

"You two are going to be late to class... we don't want that now do we," Instructor Agis said from behind them, quickly walking to Building B.

"Sorry, Instructor Agis! We'll be there shortly," Benjamin said as while turning red from embarrassment.

"I looked at our syllabus and today we'll be talking about Dark Espers? I'm not sure I know what those are," Evangelina explained as she looked at the syllabus resting on her notebook she was carrying.

Benjamin watched Evangelina concentrate on her syllabus. He looked into her concentrated eyes down to her glistening lips.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes, only to see Evangelina pull a strand of her rose gold hair behind her ear.

"I know this is kinda... out of the blue... but I was wondering-" 

"C'mon you two! We're going to be late!" Lorenzo interrupted Benjamin by dragging him and Evangelina to class.

The three made it to Philosophy class on time and sat in their usual spot in the middle of class.

Genesis briefly glanced at Evangelina when sitting down and chose not to say hi.

"Is... she upset with me?" Evangelina whispered to Benjamin.

"I told you... you just have to get used to her," Benjamin explained.

"I can feel her staring," Genesis whispered to Cameron at their desk.

"Literally... all you have to do is talk to her," Cameron explained, getting close to Genesis.

"She just... looks like her too much," Genesis said, turning away and closing her eyes.

"Good morning class! I know many of you don't want to be here but for our Four-years today should be fun, we're going on a field trip!" Instructor Agis explained.

"What about the simulation?" Genesis asked loudly.

"I talked to Instructor Bleuax and she told me that no class besides Year-ones are under-skilled for Dark Esper hunts.

Evangelina raised her hand.

"Yes?" Instructor Agis pointed to Evangelina.

"What are Dark Espers?"

Quiet giggles were heard from the room, making Evangelina blush.

"Dark Espers are physical manifestations of darkness. They're rooted from sin and impurity and grow into... scary monsters... Sorry, had to use words you'd probably understand," Genesis explained without looking at Evangelina.

"No attitude is needed, thank you. They are indeed beasts that spawn from sin and evil. There was this joke I used to say with my old teammates... "Sex before marriage kills the lower class." Dark Espers appear in areas with little to no protection, like lower-class communities. And like you heard, sex before marriage is sinful," Instructor Agis explained, looking around at the sleepy teens, "Make sense?" he asked, looking directly at Evangelina.

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