Clause V - The Season's Flowers

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It was Evangelina's first day of classes in which she was attending a training class instead of a lecture due to her arriving at Saint Divina in the middle of a busy week.

She slipped into a training uniform which was black shorts made from the finest material in the country, a white colored shirt made from a mesh material, and a tight-fitting long sleeve to go under if desired.

Some students appeared in tracksuits sporting the school's red and black colors, being purchased from the student store.

Evangelina walked into the Building C arena her class was held in and sat on one of the benches alone as she watched her peers converse amongst each other in small groups.

A boy with black hair that almost covered his eyes approached Evangelina and sat near her.

"None of my friends are in this class either," The boy said as he casually leaned against the backrest of the bench and extended both of his arms out on the backrest.

"Oh, I just transferred here... I don't really have any friends at all," Evangelina said in a shy voice as she sat up straight and barely turned to look at the mysterious boy.

He too was in the default training uniform, male version, allowing him to sit comfortably.

He had a nice physique and gave off a "Hot Popular Boy" vibe, which made Evangelina more anxious.

"It's nice to meet you if that's the case. My name is Cameron," The boy said as he flipped his hair and continued to look at Evangelina waiting for her to look at him.

"I'm Evangelina," she said as she turned and extended her arm for a handshake.

Cameron smiled at her and grabbed onto her hand.

Evangelina's eyes widened at the gentle gesture and began breathing more heavily.

"Cameron! We don't have all day," A brunette called from the center of the arena within a crowd of students, also having his hair meeting his eyes.

"C'mon, time for you to make some friends," Cameron said as he dragged Evangelina to his friend.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ferris," The brunette said as he waved.

Evangelina was extremely red and nervous to the point where she was unable to speak.

Oh no... They're hot...

"Evangelina?" Cameron asked as she noticed she went completely silent.

He bent over to look at her face and was confused to notice she was blushing.

The school bell rang to signify the start of classes on campus has officially begun.

The instructor walked in, sporting a designer tracksuit with her long blue hair in an incredibly tight ponytail.

Her circle-lense glasses were also designer, further telling her students she had money.

"Good morning class! I'm really excited about today! We have a new student!" The instructor exclaimed in awkward sentence intervals.

She pointed at Evangelina with her really expensive pen and gestured for her to come to the front.

The students sat in the center of the arena as Evangelina awkwardly walked to the side of the instructor.

"Where are my manners? Excuse me, My name is Instructor Bleuax (Blue) but you may call me Raven," Instructor Bleuax explained with a cheerful smile.

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