Chapter Three

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'Meet me outside of the café we went to last week. xx. -Harry'

I smiled, re-reading the text before shoving my phone back into my pocket. It was now towards the end of November, and already snowing. I sighed, tightening my purple scarf, and pulled down my black knit hat. I looked at the delicate snowflakes that had fallen on the ends of my hair. I smiled down at them. They were beautiful; each having its own intricate pattern.

I pulled my phone back out of my pocket; it was vibrating. A new text.

'I can see your purple scarf. xx. -Harry'

I smiled as I shoved my phone in my pocket. Looking around the busy street, I finally spot a mop of brown curls. I smiled and closed my eyes tightly, trying not to squeal. 

You see, for the past few days, Harry has ben texting me, a lot. We are constantly texting one another. I have never felt better in my entire life. 

I made a few footprints in the snow, waiting for Harry to make his way through the crowd. Watching him walk towards me, I thought about how he signed each text with two x's, which I found adorable.

"Hey," He whispered, smiling down at me with his signature grin.

"Hey," I smiled back at him.

"Ready?" He asked.

"For what?" I was confused.

"To go somewhere," He stated.

"To go where?" I pressed, swaying slightly.

"It's a surprise," He said, giving me a tiny, subtle wink. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I hoped that he couldn't tell the difference between my cold cheeks and my blushing.

As Harry led me down several busy streets, successful of not be recognized, we arrived at Wembley Arena. I looked around. It was deserted; deathly quiet.

"Harry, why are we here?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Come inside and you will see," He said, walking ahead of me and towards the back entrance. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the gate. I raised my eyebrow, debating whether or not to ask about it. I decided against it, and followed him inside. 

As we walked the hallways, clearly backstage, we approached two guitars; one being Harry's and the other being a plain acoustic. He picked up his and headed towards the stage doors. I looked down at the guitar on the stand, and back at Harry. He turned around.

"Well come on, love. Grab the guitar and follow me," He instructed, leaning against the door labeled 'STAGE'. I shrugged and picked up the guitar, carrying it by the neck. I followed Harry through the stage door, seeing that all of his equipment was on stage, but the arena was empty.

"I'm playing here tonight and I wanted to invite you to the concert. You can bring Laura, if you'd like," He said, walking backwards towards the microphones. I nodded excitedly.

"Of course, Harry. Thank you so much," I said, practically jumping up and down.

"No problem," He said, smiling from ear to ear. He plopped himself down on a black stool. He patted the top of the stool that was next to him. I walked over slowly, slinging the guitar strap over my shoulder and sat on the stool. I looked out at the arena. Even though it was empty, it was still beautiful. I smiled, looking at each of the empty sections.

Harry nudged my side, softly.

"Sing," He said, flipping a switch on the bottom of the microphone in front of me. He adjusted the height so it was aligned with my mouth. I shook my head; my shyness coming out to greet us. He just nodded back at me before flipping the switch on his own microphone.

"You're going to sing, right now," He playfully commanded, poking my side. I giggled, but stopped abruptly when I heard my voice being projected throughout the entire arena. I mentally face-palmed myself. Microphone. Duh. I smiled slightly, beginning to strum the into to "To Write Love On Her Arms" by Hawthorne Heights. I softly sang along and smiled, hearing my voice being projected through the microphone. I finished the song after about three minutes, smiling as Harry gazed at me. I looked down and giggled softly.

"You have an amazing voice. I forgot you were that great," He whispered, looking from my eyes, down to my guitar, and back to my eyes again. I blushed, saying a quiet "thank you", and rest me feet on the bar that was in between the legs of my stool. 

The next question that was asked really knocked me off my feet.

"Gianna, will you be my opening act and possible perform with me?" Harry asked.

My answer is what surprised me the most. Where I got the guts from, I don't know.


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